One of the major elements of the overall myth-arc of the campaign was that the Anomaly served as a prison for nine Sith Dark Side Force-wielders from thousands of years in the past. These Sith, called the
Nine Forgotten, entered the Anomaly millenia ago along with their Massassi slaves in a bid to uncover the secrets of its power. Due to the strange nature of the Anomaly, the Forgotten were unable to escape and, because time did not pass normally in the Anomaly (or at least in the portion they were in), they survived the centuries, locked inside, forgotten in the galaxy at large. Arranging themselves in a hierarchy of power, the
Nine Forgotten divided the areas of the Anomaly they controlled into separate realms, biding their time until an opportunity to escape should come.
During the course of the campaign, the PCs encountered five of the
Nine Forgotten. They destroyed three of them and lost track of the other two. As for the four they never encountered (more powerful than any of the others), they may or may not remain prisoners of the Anomaly. Perhaps future campaigns will tell?
The Ninth of the Nine ("The Sentinel")
The Sentinel was the first and weakest of the
Nine Forgotten encountered by the PCs. Wielding a wicked, Dark Force-power infused spiked chain, she guarded a bridge built by the Massassi that led further into the Anomaly. After a terrible battle, she was defeated by Jocasta and the
Sun Runners.
The Eighth of the Nine ("The Beguiler")
The Beguiler used her command of the Force to create powerful illusions to lull, delay, and surreptitiously interrogate the PCs about their purposes in coming to the Anomaly. Disguised as a refugee freighter passenger in her '60s named Tessa, The Beguiler succeeded in clouding the minds of Tarn Tamarand and some of the
Sun Runners. Although the others pressed forward and eventually rescued their companions, The Beguiler succeeded in avoiding confrontation and learning several of their secrets. Presumably, she survives to this day.
Force Adept 4/Sith Acolyte 2 (created under WOTC
Revised Core Rulebook)
Abilities: Str -1, Int +2, Con +1, Wis +2, Cha +1
Defense: +7; Fortitude +6, Reflex +4, Will +9
Feats: Dissipate Energy, Mind Trick, Force Sensitive, Iron Will, Force Feats, SE: Illusion
Wounds: 12; Vitality: 38
Attacks: The Beguiler does not engage in physical combat, preferring to rely on misdirection and evasion.
The Seventh of the Nine ("The Seducer")
The Seducer first appeared to the PCs as a shirtless, muscular man covered in ornate tattoos and wielding a black sword. He boasted of his control over the Oracle, and became enraged when the PCs tried to free her. He disappeared with the dying Oracle during the confrontation, only to reappear months later in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, having been able to escape the Anomaly due to the actions of Tarn Tamarand. As a game to test the strength of the current Order, The Seducer used his mastery of the Force to convince young Padawans in the Jedi Temple that their loved ones wanted them to commit suicide. Although the PCs intervened and force The Seducer to flee, he evaded capture. What they never discovered, however, is that Jocasta somehow managed to track down The Seducer and held him in suspended animation aboard her prison ship. What secrets she managed to glean from her captive, and his present whereabouts, remain unknown.
Jedi 7/Sith Apprentice 5/Sith Lord 2
Abilities: Str +3, Con +2, Wis +4, Dex +1, Int +2, Cha +3
Defenses (add 10 if not using house rules): Reflex +18, Fortitude +19, Will +20
Attacks: Sith War Sword +19 (d. 1d8+10) (Force Point & Swift Action gives +14 damage, ignores Jedi DR). Double attack: +14/+14. Whirlwind Attack
Force Powers: Force Grip (x2), Force Stun, Mind Trick (x2), Rebuke (x2), Energy Resistance, Fear (x2), Wound, Slow
Force Secrets: Multitarget Power
Force Techniques: Improved Mind Trick, Dominate Mind
Skills: Use the Force +19, Perception +14, Persuade +14, Stealth +14, Deception +14
Hit Points: 113 (Threshold 29)
Talents: Affliction, Clear Mind, Dampen Presence, Master Negotiator, Dark Healing, Illusion
The Sixth of the Nine ("The Necromonger")
The Necromonger was a powerful Sith Lord with mastery over death. He created legions of undead aberrations capable of hurling their own bones at enemies. He was a ruthless opponent, and the PCs destroyed him in the City Under the Sand only through the use of the infamous Red Chip.
Abilities: Str +7, Con +4
Defenses (add 10 if not using house rules): Reflex +15, Fortitude +20, Will +10
Attacks: Chain-Hammers +10/+10 d.4d8+8
Hit Points: 130 (DR 5, Threshold: 30, Second Winds: 2)
Actions: Swift w/ Force Points returns 15 hp; Standard action summons 1d6 undead; Full-Round action has equivalent of Force Slam; Improved Sunder (-5 to attack roll); Roar (Standard action, 1d20+13 vs. Will or frozen in terror 1d4 rounds).
Nonhuman, Size Medium, Speed 4
Defenses (add 10 if not using house rules): Reflex +12, Fortitude +12, Will +16
Attacks: Thrown Bone Spear +11, d. 1d8+4; Exploding Shards (area attack): +12 attack, d. 1d8+4
Hit Points: 43, Threshold 20, No Second Winds
Skills: Perception +15
The Fifth of the Nine ("The Plaguewomb")
The Plaguewomb used her twisted powers over the Dark Side of the Force to imbue toxins, poisons, and diseases with even more horrific effects. Knowing that he had to return the strange, possessed lightsaber to the Anomaly in order to seal it from against escapes, Tarn Tamarand journeyed to the City Under the Sand. Although able to evade the Necromonger, he was forced to submit to the Plaguewomb as the only conceivable way to gain entrance to the Anomaly. When encountered by the PCs, the Plaguewomb was guarded by dozens of her minions, disfigured and leperous creatures who exploded into a burst of pus and disease if struck. A foolhardy attack by Daal led to the Duro being inflicted with a revolting and deadly disease-laden kiss. A'tel also fell before her might before Arresta (again using a Red Chip) managed to decapitate the Plaguewomb. Although defeated, the Plaguewomb's legacy continued to threaten the galaxy. In a secret vault on the planet Haruun Kal, the Plaguewomb stored dozens of dangerous diseases and poisons; one of which, the Thought Spores, would be recovered by Tarn Tamarand for use in the final battle against the Accelerated.
Abilities: Wis +4, Cha +4
Defenses (add 10 if not using house rules): Reflex +18, Fortitude +13, Will +18
Attacks: Toxic Kiss +15, d. -1/-2 Steps on Condition Track (DC 25 Fort). Uncurable wasting disease.
Hit Points: 75 (Threshold 25, 1 Second Wind)
Special: Cancer Tendrils (as Force Lightning, but 6 square cone); Blood Boil (1 target within 12 squares; 1d20+15 vs. Fortitude or Ebola-like meltdown: 5d6 damage & prone, 1/2 on on save).
Force Powers: Rebuke, Sully Force
Size Medium, Speed 3 (shamble)
Defenses (add 10 if not using house rules): Reflex +10, Fortitude +15, Will +12
Attacks: Bite +6, d. 2d6+3 plus plague (1d20+15 vs. Fortitude; if hit, boils, sores, etc. & -1 on cond. track)
Hit Points: 15 (no threshold, no second wind)
Special: When reduced to zero hit points, explode in 1 square radius inflicting plague attack as per bite above)
Skills: Perception +15 (smell flesh within 10 squares)
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