[4 Calistril 4708 continued]
Although driven by a holy thirst for vengeance,
Wynstan was no match for the cruelty and cunning
of what lurks beneath Jorgenfist
In their
cliffside cave below Jorgenfist, the adventurers regroup after a disastrous
battle against lamia priestesses of Lamashtu.
Jinkatsyu, returned to life thanks to Ava’s divinely-granted power,
finds his wits restored thanks to Kang’s foul-smelling but always-effective
alchemical wonders. The group are in the
midst of a free-flowing discussion about how to defeat the lamias when Wystan
receives a taunting, magical message from one of them: “Cowardly knight, why
did you flee? You only delay the
inevitable. Mokmurian has been alerted to
your intrusion, and his wrath is mighty.”
Wystan conceals the telepathic communication from his new allies. Before any decisions are reached, Salma
unexpectedly reappears, explaining that she had to fulfil a promise to an old
friend. The others introduce her to
Wystan, and fill her in on the dramatic events she missed.
suggestion is made to return to the caves where the waves of stone giants and
ogres were repulsed, in order to move or hide the bodies so that the remaining
defenders of Jorgenfist can’t discover the adventurers’ hideout. Kang says it’s far too late for subtlety or
deception, but Salma is strongly in favour of the idea and persuades the others
(bar Kang) to come with her. She
explains that she can cast a (newly-mastered) spell ahead of time that will let
everyone teleport away simultaneously! The journey through the maze of narrow
tunnels connecting the cave to Jorgenfist’s subterranean levels proceeds
without incident. Even working together,
however, moving the stone giant corpses (each of which weighs half a ton!) is
slow, exhausting, and quite loud. The
sound echoes through the now largely-vacant chambers, and before long the
cackling, mocking laughter of a lamia can be heard approaching from the
east. Salma tries to get the jump on
their tormentor, but the wizard’s spellcraft is ineffectual and the lamia
dances away into darkness. Ava shouts
that they need to leave before the other priestess appears, so Salma intones
the final guttural syllable of her escape spell—but Wystan resists it! “I do not fear you,” shouts the knight to the
lamias, readying a javelin as his only allies disappear.
in the cliffside cave, Kang sees everyone who left on the expedition suddenly
reappear—except for Wystan. Ava shouts
that Wystan doesn’t know the way back on foot, and everyone commendably starts
running back through the narrow tunnels. But run as they might, they’re not fast enough
to affect what happens next. Wystan
waits, poised for battle, as he hears distant shouting in a language he cannot
speak. Just as he’s about to leave,
having decided that discretion is the better part of valor, the lamias strike! One has snuck up behind him from the north,
while the other uses foul magicks to seal his eyes shut! Stumbling and blinded, Wystan can’t stand
against the despicable genius of the lamias and succumbs to their attacks. When the other adventurers arrive, they see
only the signs of battle and a message crudely painted in blood on the walls: “We have him, and he lives!”
and Jinkatsyu are prepared to go after him, but Kang and even the sobbing Ava
know that it’s too risky. It’s clearly a
trap, and there are no guarantees that Wystan is even alive. With all of Varisia at stake, the rescue of
one life can’t outweigh the protection of thousands. Reluctantly, the adventurers return to their
hideout to rest until morning.
Calistril 4708]
the morning, Ava awakens to the sound of a lamia whispering in her mind: “He
hurts, he hurts! Vainglorious fools,
Mokmurian delights.”. She shares the
taunt with her friends, but Kang is unshaken, saying that once they’ve
witnessed the full power arrayed against them, the lamias will regret their
errors. Battle plans are drawn, and the
foursome return to the giant caverns.
They find a disturbing sight—individual, severed fingers pointing, like
breadcrumbs, to the lamia caves!
Undeterred by the ghastly jest, the adventurers press on and soon arrive
the unholy shrine. One of the lamias is
there, and motions towards the altar where a figure, covered in a cloak, is
held down by chains and moaning inarticulately.
“You’re just in time to save your friend!” shouts the lamia while
backing away into darkness.
While Jinkatsyu starts to move towards the altar, Kang shouts an
alarm—something is rushing towards them from behind! The other lamia, having hidden in a side
passageway, has come up behind the rear of the party’s formation to attack Ava
and Salma. Salma reacts quickly, evoking
her most powerful fireball yet on the lamia—only to find, when the smoke
clears, that it had absolutely no effect!
The brilliant wizard quickly deduces that the lamias (having heard
earlier battles and seen the burned corpses of the multiple giants and ogres)
have abjured themselves against her favourite spell! Jinkatsyu doesn’t hesitate to charge to Ava’s
aid, plunging his rapier deeply into the lamia's side.
But in the early flush of success, Jinkatsyu doesn’t realize that the
first lamia has returned from the south.
Magickal power paralyzes the kitsune, while the other lamia prepares to
decapitate him—again! But in a stunning
move, Ava transdimensionally hops in and rescues Jinkatsyu, taking both of them
to the rear of the chamber.
Jinkatsyu’s salvation comes with a price: Salma is left unprotected against
both lamias, and their joint charge leads her dead before her body hits the
ground. Cackling wildly, the lamias
revel in another sacrifice to their dark god.
Ava again manages to teleport herself, Jinkatsyu, and Salma’s body back
to the cliffside cave, while Kang narrowly escapes, thanks to the magicks of
his alchemical invisibility proving just strong enough to resist the dispelling
magicks of the lamias.
Back in the cave,
Ava’s prayers (and valuable sacrifices) are up to the task, and Salma’s wounds
knit together and she gasps back into life.
But once again, the adventurers have been defeated with fatal
results—and Wystan’s fate is still unknown.
In the depths of despair, do they have the courage to sally forth yet
GM Commentary (October 10, 2019)
I love paladins, but unfortunately Wystan fulfilled the "lawful stupid" stereotype. It was a pretty fast in-and-out for this PC!
As I mentioned in the last commentary, these lamias proved surprisingly effective. They had a good mix of spells, were clever and cunning, and the PCs hadn't quite shored up their magical defences. On the plus side, the players definitely learned from this series of encounters how to prepare themselves against spellcasters later in the campaign. It wouldn't be long, for example, that they wouldn't budge without spells like
freedom of movement and
protection from evil cast on themselves.
Ava always had the best and most exciting rescues. She saved Jinks' life and Salma's corpse, so that a simple
raise dead didn't have to be a burdensome