[Starday, 8 Arodus 4708 A.R. continued]
Anorak instantly realises
that the skull is a demilich: the final eldritch remains of a destroyed
lich! “If we run, it won’t pursue!”
shouts Anorak, but The Reckoner shouts back that it could be one of the four
spirit anchors. Eldritch flees
immediately, as does Yraelzin when he realises something disturbing: none of
his spells work against the demilich!
The others rush closer to attack, but Anorak finds his dwarven waraxe
and spells completely ineffective, Lorien can’t reach the levitating foe, the
bralani’s arrows crumple into dust upon impact, and The Reckoner finds his very
lifeforce sucked out of him again and again!
The situation looks so dire that Anorak turns invisible and shouts to
retreat, leading The Reckoner to call him a coward! With Plate allowing him to fly, The
Reckoner continues the fight, but the supernatural darkness and his
ever-increasing weakness cannot be surmounted!
With a final morbid chuckle, the demilich seizes full control of The
Reckoner’s soul and readies to rip it out of his body—but the final blessing of
The Harrower turns away instant death.
Instead, The Reckoner falls and hits the ground hard, losing his weapon
in the process. Anorak swoops down to
grab The Reckoner’s hammer while Lorien picks up the defeated leader and rushes
him to safety.
In the corridor outside
the shrine, the dismayed heroes at least have the consolation that Anorak’s
knowledge proved accurate: the demilich has not followed, and it was surely
badly damaged during the fighting. But
the group’s prospects seem dismal, with The Reckoner permanently weakened and
Lorien unable to perform the necessary ritual to heal him without weeks of
preparation and thousands of gold pieces worth of diamond dust. But persistence is a virtue the Harrowed
Heroes have in spades, and they decide on the spur of the moment to try
again! Flinging the doors to the shrine
open, Lorien calls forth the holy power contained in the prayer beads to smite
the demilich. The abomination survives
the attack, but is unable to retaliate before The Reckoner flies in and deals
it an awesome blow that shatters the skull completely! With the demilich’s destruction, an echoing
cry of agony can be heard throughout the castle and a severe tremor shakes the
building, raining dust and fist-sized chunks of stone down from the ceiling.
To the victors go the
spoils, and the Harrowed Heroes reap a valuable array of rubies, silverware,
and spell scrolls from the shrine and adjacent chapels. Confident they’ve cleared the ground floor of
the donjon, Anorak suggests breaking a hole in the outer wall so the group
could rest outside. The Reckoner,
however, reminds the dwarf that there was something in the water there—not to
mention, the possibility of more gargoyle attacks. The group talk about the ancient song they
learned from the Sun Shaman in the Cinderlands, and decide to see if the
castle’s War Tower is the one with the “infernal soul” at the top. Anorak expresses concern that the reference
to a “stone cage crumbling” could mean the entire castle will fall down around
their ears when they break the curse!
A second spirit anchor
has been destroyed in a remarkable testament to courage and perseverance. But at what cost? With The Reckoner permanently weakened and
the last vestige of The Harrower’s blessing extinguished from his soul, will he
be able to survive the rest of what Castle Scarwall has to offer? And, if Anorak is right about the castle
collapsing on them, could ultimate victory mean instant death?
GM Commentary
The demilich was the toughest foe the PCs encountered in all of Scarwall. With virtual immunity to magic, incredibly high DR, flight, and life-draining attacks, it was certainly a force to be reckoned with. Speaking of, The Reckoner only managed to survive because upon entering Scarwall for the first time, each PC got a gift from The Harrower (either one automatic success on a save vs a death effect or a ghost touch weapon). Still, the negative levels would be a drag for a long time.
I'm not sure exactly why they decided to rush right back in for a second go, but the incredibly risky gamble actually paid off. Sometimes, once in a great while, bravery overcomes probability.