Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dark Warning

I quite liked the second book in Judy Watson's Last of the Jedi YA series, Dark Warning. It's very much a hand-off between Obi-Wan (who anchored the first two books) and a character named Ferus Olin, a Jedi who left the Order before the Clone Wars but is now being hunted like all the others by the new Empire. Obi-Wan has left Tatooine to investigate a lead that an Imperial Inquisitor is looking into records at Polis Massa (the place where Padme had Luke & Leia), and along the way he finds Ferus and the two stumble upon a plan to create a safe refuge for any remaining Jedi. Obi-Wan returns to Tatooine, leaving Ferus to continue the mission. Along the way, there's several scenes set at the Caves of Ilum (the snow-covered planet scene in the original Clone Wars t.v. series), where Jedi go to be tested and gather crystals for their lightsabers. A nice benefit of reading the novels is that I get good ideas for the role-playing game I direct, and now (should I ever have a young Jedi PC) I have a better idea of how to handle lightsaber construction.

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