Sunday, December 6, 2009

On a marché sur la lune

I've heard a lot about the world-famous Tintin, but I'd never actually read any until recently. I randomly picked the graphic album On a marché sur la lune ("We Walk on the Moon") to give it a try. The plot, as you can guess from the title, involves Tintin and his companions being launched in the first-ever rocket to the moon. While there, they have a little tank they use for exploring and have to overcome problems involving spies, sabotage, and bumbling stowaways. It's very whimsical (Tintin's dog has a little spacesuit), but didn't stray into the fantastic (the moon is depicted as it really is, a deserted chunk of rock--no aliens or monsters or anything super cool). I liked it well enough, though I'm on the border as to whether I'll pick up more--$ 17 is a bit pricey for each album, though the pages are packed with panels and text.

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