[3 Gozran 4708 continued]
In Xin-Shalast, the adventurers have come across a strange, dough-faced humanoid named Morgiv, one of the species called skulks. Morgiv speaks only Thassilonian, and excitedly tells Kang a tale. According to Morgiv, he’s one of a group of skulks who have lived in the tunnels under the city ever since a volcanic eruption destroyed most of the surface hundreds of generations ago. Morgiv says that his people were once enslaved by the rulers of the city, but were set free by their leader, Mesmina, who prophesied that if the tribe ever again fell victim to slavery, strangers would come to the aid of the Spared. Morgiv excitedly tells Kang that he’s the leader of the strangers that Mesmina prophesied, and that the Chosen One has been called here because the Spared are once again under the control of a despot. It seems that an invisible monster, called The Hidden Beast by Morgiv, has taken over the minds of many skulks.
The adventurers discuss whether to help. Morgiana is suspicious it could be a trap, but Ava says if the Hidden Beast really is so evil, it might be one of Karzoug’s allies. Jinkatsyu says slaves should always be set free, and Morgiv’s knowledge of the tunnels could be crucial in bypassing the giant armies on the surface. Kang is persuaded, and tells Morgiv to return tomorrow at dawn to guide the adventurers to the Hidden Beast’s cave.
As the others rest, Ava decides to practice short-range teleportation to see if she can figure out how to bypass the strange warding effect that permeates Xin-Shalast. Her first attempt works perfectly, but something very strange happens on her second try. She finds herself standing in the middle of a featureless plain that extends as far as she can see in every direction. An odd, grey-coloured river winds sluggishly through the plain. And, despite the utter lack of wind, a queer black-sailed ship moves steadily along the river. A foreboding sense of dread fills Ava, but before she can react, she finds herself back in the adventurers’ temporary hideout under the fortress that guards the approach to Xin-Shalast. She relates what happens to the others, and the best they can make of it is a wild tale that Kang once read during his studies in the Therassic Library under Jorgenfist: that Xin-Shalast is located on a place where the border between planes are thin, and that it intersects the fabled nightmare realm of Leng. But the account was written by a notorious pesh addict, and the likelihood of it being true seemed slim—until now!
Later that day, the adventurers hear the sound of giants sweeping the fortress, looking for them. Ava conceals the opening to the chamber they’re hiding in with a conjured stone wall. Although her craftsmanship doesn’t blend well with the surrounding walls, the giant walking past is distracted by something else—Morgiana’s beartrap—and doesn’t notice the hidden room.
[4 Gozran 4708]
At what must be dawn, the adventurers hear rhythmic tapping on the other side of the wall that Ava conjured. Morgiv is on the other side, and says in the fortress courtyard above there are several giants with aurochs. When Kang says his team is ready to go, Morgiv leads the group through a labyrinth of underground passages, cutting through building basements and tunnels carved from pyroclastic flows. Morgiv also disables various traps. When asked where the other Spared are, he says they’re waiting a safe distance away from The Hidden Beast. At last, after several hours’ journey, Morgiv indicates they’re nearing the evil one’s lair. Morgiv is told to wait, and the adventurers prepare for conflict against an unknown foe.
Jinkatsyu takes the lead, moving quietly and cautiously until he can peer into the cavern. The room looks like it may have once been part of some ancient basement gallery, but it’s clearly occupied, as magical lights slowly bob along the walls, casting deep shadows. The room contains a raised balcony along one wall, a pair of tunnels leading off along other walls, and, in the center, a basalt dais holding an ornate throne. Seated on the throne is a skeletal figure shrouded in musty robes bearing arcane symbols! As Jinkatsyu peers in, the skeleton sits up and begins speaking in Abyssal! The adventurers rush in to stop the skeletal wizard from casting spells, only to quickly realise it’s a fake. The real threat comes from something in the room that is, indeed, invisible and capable of casting powerful spells. In addition, a quartet of skulks who are among the living dead are in hiding and leap out at the
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adventurers. Morgiana is badly hurt in their attack and retreats back to where Ava is at the entrance to the cavern. Ava gives the Heroes of Varisia a fighting chance by dispelling the magical invisibility that shrouds the location of the real Hidden Beast: a swollen, slimy cephalopod with ten writhing tentacles and a hideously monstrous face and a fanged maw! Angered at her spell, the Hidden Beast responds by sending a bolt of pure lightning toward the cleric. Jinkatsyu leaps into the fray and begins slashing at the Hidden Beast’s tentacles. The sorcerous monstrosity is protected by various abjurations, however, and it seems like the dashing swashbuckling kitsune has finally met his match! Kang’s firebombs are not so easily dodged as sword thrusts, however, and the Hidden Beast eventually withers under the assault. Just when it seems like victory is at hand for the heroes, however, the monster turns into mist and seeps into thin cracks under the throne. Likewise, the vampiric skulks seep into their own hiding places once their corporeal forms seem destroyed.
the long, gruelling battle ended in success . . . or stalemate?
Director's Commentary
The events here play out pretty close to how they're set up in the AP: Morgiv encounters the group, begs for their help, and leads them to fight the Hidden Beast (a vampiric decapus). I think I added the "Chosen One" angle, but it just seemed too delicious to pass up since the last thing people would think about Kang is he was a prophesised savior. It led to some good role-playing.
The battle here against the Hidden Beast was really exciting and went well, with the deception of the fake skeleton particularly effective (the group hadn't had to deal with illusions very much in the AP). Alas, partially my own fault, things really get bad in the group (in real life) starting with the next session. But more on that when I cover those sessions.
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