Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Vegan Police: January 2013

This post and the ones that will follow monthly are a bit weird, and are to help me stick with a New Year's resolution rather than to be read.  Last year, I was a very bad vegan, and narrowly escaped arrest by the Vegan Police!  I'm trying to do better this year, and public confession will be quite handy in keeping me accountable to myself.  Yes, this is still very weird, but it works:  now, before I give in to sweet, sweet milk chocolatey temptation, I think to myself "I'm going to have to report this", and often it's enough to get me back on track.  Though not always, as you'll see below.  The hope is that over the course of the year, I'll be able to see some gradual improvement.  Meanwhile, these will be the most banal posts possible, so move on: nothing to see here!


Jan. 3,2013:  ice cream, sub with mayo (not my fault!)

Jan. 5, 2014:  dessert, two cupcakes

Jan. 6, 2007. Marshmallow Santas x2

Jan. 8:  hostess cupcakes

Jan. 8:  pop tarts, cereal with real milk

Jan. 9: Donut

Jan. 10-12:  Travel snacks

Jan 15:  Weight Watcher chocolate nut bar

Jan. 19:  chocolate sundae, pancakes

Jan. 21 cheese pizza, peppermint patty

Jan. 24:  Chocolate Sundae

Jan 27:  Peppermint patty

Jan. 29: Cheese pizza

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