Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Starfinder Flip-Mat: Urban Sprawl [RPG]

I've used each side of the Urban Sprawl flip-mat in at least one Starfinder scenario and I have to say it's a bit . . . weird.  The idea is that one side is an "upscale, futuristic city center" while the other is the "dark and dangerous alleys of a dystopian megacity."  I frankly find both sides cluttered and confusing with terrain details that are hard to decipher without some serious thought.  The aesthetic is also a bit off on each in a way that I can't quite explain--though I'll do my best.

The brightly-lit, upscale side features a river meandering through the center, with gigantic lily pads (or lemon slices?) floating in it.  There are a few different multi-level buildings, though I can't quite discern the purpose of each one.  With its gentle stream, gardens, benches, and all-around organic feel, this looks to me more like "funky alien park" than it does "futuristic city center."  I was expecting something more along the lines of robot-cars than park benches.  It's not 100% bad--just not to spec and of limited usefulness because it is *so* distinctive.  A common complaint I have of Paizo flip-mats is they try too hard to be special when, for replayability, they need to be more generic.

The other side has some objects I recognize--crates, cool futuristic motorcycles, wooden plank bridges--and a lot of stuff that I again just don't understand what they're supposed to be (like the jagged square concrete structures).  Part of the map has a warehouse/scrapyard vibe, but I'm not sure if the rooms with all the beds are hovels or some kind of hotel.  It's also hard to discern the vertical levels of different elements at a glance.  It's cooler than the other side, but still cluttered with so much stuff that it makes for a claustrophobic, complicated place to have a battle.

Overall, this is a disappointing flip-mat considering how important it is to the line.  Hopefully Paizo will try again soon and come out with something more functional.

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