Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Pathfinder Tales: "Skinwalkers" [RPG]


Skinwalkers is a tense, exciting novel and now among my favourites in the Pathfinder Tales line.  It's extremely rare in books like this that I'm genuinely concerned that the protagonist is going to die and that the darkest possible ending is about to happen, but I certainly was with this novel!  I was on the edge of my seat during some of the action scenes, perhaps because the threats the characters face are extremely creepy and somehow more "real" than one usually gets in a fantasy novel.  The author does an excellent job with the setting (the Ironbound Archipelago), making it feel like a place with a distinct geography and culture.  It's hard to believe that this was written by a first-time author, and if there's more with these characters later in the series, I'll be thrilled.


Skinwalkers is told by the point of view of Jendara, a woman who grew up in the Ironbound Archipelago before leaving for several years after a mysterious massacre.  After several years as a pirate, Jendara has returned home with her son.  I mention the son because it's relatively rare that the main character in Pathfinder novels has family to speak of, much less children--but it's handled quite well here.  The main threat in the book are the legendary, cannibalistic Kalvamen of a distant island in the archipelago.  This is a dark and gory novel, and I thought Jendara was going to die at multiple points.  The book isn't all action, however, as the setting and characters are handled well. Particularly effective is the theme of Jendara's initial rejection and gradual acceptance of her homeland's spiritual beliefs.   And best of all, the writer sticks the landing: the ending is strong.  Coming into the book, I didn't have any particular interest in the "viking" cultures of the Ironbound Archipelago, but I have to say that this book was a delightful surprise.

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