Friday, December 25, 2020

Starfinder: "Skittermander Gaming Pouch" [RPG]

I picked up one of these (in blue) for myself and one (in red) for my son.  They're essentially little stuffed animals in the shape of skittermanders, with a small zippered pouch in the back that is just big enough to hold a set of dice.  There's also a metallic clip (that can be removed entirely) to hang it from a backpack.  I think the concept of these is great, and they are really cute--my kid loves his.  The only hang-up I have

with them is that the tufts of hair around the face are really, really hard to style and often end up covering the eyes and nose entirely.  I know it sounds like a silly complaint, but it's hard to get one to look like they do in the picture, and I think they could have been designed to avoid this issue.  But that aside, they are really cute and a nice change of pace from the usual goblins merch that Paizo sells.

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