Saturday, March 13, 2021

Starfinder: "Dead Suns Pawn Collection" [RPG]

 I find it difficult in general to review pawn collections, and reviewing the Dead Suns Pawn Collection will be even more challenging because I was only a player in the AP, not the GM.  This means a "how often did I have what I needed to run encounters" standard isn't feasible.  I'll have to make do with some general impressions of the set.  First, there's a (perhaps) surprising number of starship tokens--by my count, about thirty in total.  Second, there's only a handful (5) Huge creatures.  There are a decent number of Small and Large creatures, but the vast majority are Medium.  Third, the set mostly includes Dead Suns-specific creatures, which makes sense, of course.  But if you're buying the set to supplement your collection for general Starfinder gaming, I don't see a lot of Alien Archive creatures listed.  There are a few like Patrol-Class Security Robots, elementals, ksariks, and scavenger slimes.  Last, the set matches the standard of all of Paizo's AP-specific sets--it doesn't include bases, comes in a thin cardboard sleeve (so you'll need a solution to hold the pawns once the shrink-wrap is removed), etc.  Apart from a statement that I think the cover art is cool, that's all I've got.

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