Thursday, October 28, 2021

Pathfinder Tales: "The Lost Pathfinder" [RPG]


The way Paizo has reorganised its website, it's a bit tricky to find The Lost Pathfinder four-part web fiction nowadays.  But this link should do it.  The story involves the fan-favourite pair of Count Varian Jeggare and his Hellspawned bodyguard, Radovan.  There's some exciting battle scenes and the characters' thoughts and dialogue are always amusing.  My only quibble was that I found the plot confusing, which isn't usually a problem I have in Pathfinder fiction. 


In The Lost Pathfinder, Jeggare learns that one of his agents in Ustalav is missing, while Radovan discovers there's an assassination plot against his boss!  Chapter 3 seems to be set before Chapter 2, which I found utterly confusing at the time, and there's also a chunk where I thought Jeggare had been poisoned only to realise he was just drunk.  I think.  Anyway, I'd probably enjoy this more if I were to re-read it, but at least on the first go-through, it was far from my favourite piece of Jeggare/Radovan fiction. 

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