Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Starfinder: "Critical Fumble Deck" [RPG]

I know, I know, some players *hate* the idea of critical fumbles.  They think nothing embarrassing should ever happen to their epic PCs.  Well, I love the idea that in a battle, anything can happen--even the faintly ridiculous!  The Starfinder Critical Fumble Deck contains 50+ cards, each with four effects (for energy attacks, kinetic attacks, spell attacks, and an "Extreme" result if the attack type used the specific method indicated, such as a "Short Circuit" in the case of a weapon that deals electricity damage).  The deck comes with a double-sided instructions card that gives a group three options for deciding when critical fumbles take place--depending on the option chosen, they could be extremely rare or pretty close to 1 in 20 attacks.  I've used the deck in the long campaign and thought it worked well to keep an element of surprise in the encounters--no matter how tough you (or a bad guy) is, something can always go wrong and shake things up!

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