Friday, November 8, 2024

Pathfinder (GameMastery) Compleat Encounter: "The Vault of the Whispering Tyrant" [RPG]

The Vault of the Whispering Tyrant is the highest level (13-16) of the encounter packs released under the "Compleat Encounter" line.  Regular Pathfinder players will have heard of the Whispering Tyrant, of course, but I think this may actually be the character's first appearance (even if non-canonical).  The rough idea that Tar-Baphon is an ancient lich-king appears here, though he's more of an occasional pest for the (generic fantasy) outside world than the world-shaking threat he is in modern Golarion.  The encounter set doesn't really have an adventure hook, but the general idea is that the PCs have located Tar-Baphon's hidden vault to put an end to him once and for all.  The set includes three metal miniatures that are very nicely done and three cards with (mediocre pencil) drawings and stats for the following:

* Tar-Baphon himself, presented here as "only" a level 12 wizard/lich;

* Lar-Tasha, his mummy "queen", a level 7 monk/mummy (whom I don't think reappears in any future Paizo lore);

* The soulstone, a minor artifact that provides some fast healing, remote sensing, and image projecting ability to the single creature it's bonded to.

I ran The Vault of the Whispering Tyrant as a single session in my "Roots of Golarion (The Magic Mirror)" campaign, with the canon-preserving premise that it wasn't actually Tar-Baphon in the vault, but one of his senior apprentices.  I found the brief adventure felt very cramped because the four map cards provide very little fighting room and would (logically) force multiple encounters to happen at the same time.  There's a neat trap (a mass suggestion to take it easy and relax combined with a simultaneous crushing walls mechanism), but otherwise there's not anything particularly memorable about it.  The soulstone does make for a nice souvenir, and the primary PC in the group that played it has it follow him around for the fast healing effect.  I think the adventure would have been better if, instead of double-sided map tiles (one "before" and one "after" each encounter) there were several single side map tiles with adventure text on the other side, which would allow for a longer adventure.  In any event, this is primarily of interest now to only to collectors.

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