Lamashan 4707]
the first rays of another autumn morning begin filtering through the shutters
into Arnald Swiss’s room at the Rusty Dragon, a sharp knocking can be heard at
his door. The cause of the noise proves
to be Shalelu Andosana, fully outfitted for travel. She brusquely tells Arnald that she didn’t
sleep well and doesn’t want to wait for Sheriff Hemlock to turn his attention
away from training the new recruits to finding experienced warriors to help
continue the search for Nualia. Instead,
Shalelu explains, she plans to take a risky course of action in order to
capture or kill the silver-haired worshipper of Lamashtu before the cultist can obtain
reinforcements or find the mysterious weapon boasted about in Tsuto’s journal. Shalelu says she’s long heard tale of a pair
of dangerous outcasts living just a couple of miles south of Sandpoint. According to local gossip, they’re dangerous
and untrustworthy, but after the death of Felix and Nedrin, she’s decided that
it may just be time to throw caution to the wind and fight fire with fire. She gives Arnald time to get dressed before
setting off at a quick pace.
She and Arnald pass sleepy guards as they leave Sandpoint via the
southern bridge and walk briskly along the Lost Coast Road before reaching the
area where a wide stream disappears into the rocky hills south of town. There, at the abandoned Bradley farmstead, an
old fisherman’s shack serves as the home of two of the area’s most disreputable
occupants. Shalelu nocks an arrow and
motions for Arnald to ready himself for battle as the two approach the shack
cautiously. Inside, however, the
visitors’ approach has not gone undetected.
“Not so fast, one more step and it’ll be your last!” a voice rings
out. Shalelu shouts back that she’s come
on business, and succinctly summarizes the threat posed by Nualia and the
events of the previous raids on Thistletop.
Tense negotiations lead Shalelu to grudgingly offer those inside the
shack one of her personal magical items, an enchanted amulet, in order to
purchase their loyalty for the mission to come.
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Eugeni |
ill-fitting door to the shack creaks open, and a figure emerges: a
powerful-looking half-orc, wearing a kilt and a long-sleeved tunic, with a long
braid of hair. Accompanied by a goat,
the half-orc, whose name will eventually be known as Eugeni, approaches as, by
arrangement, Arnald delivers the magical amulet. With terms agreed upon and payment rendered,
the door to the shack opens again and the remaining resident emerges: a member
of the feathered, bird-like species commonly known as tengu. The tengu, whose name is Ome, is accompanied
by a startling sight: a massive giant wasp, the size of a full-grown cat! The two pairs of adventurers watch each other
Shalelu proposes that, before attempting their ultimate goal of dealing
with Nualia, the four adventurers should learn to evaluate each other’s
strengths and weaknesses by undertaking an easier task. The four settle on attempting to collect the
bounty offered by the Sandpoint Mercantile League for the capture or death of
the notorious bandit Shank, known to have operated for years from the small
forest that now bears his name. For
almost four years now, Shank has been plaguing the Lost Coast Road, holding up
lone travellers and entire carriages, leaving his victims poorer but
alive. Yet in the past six months, the
highwayman has turned to kidnapping—with no ransom demands having been made!
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Ome |
newly-formed hunting band follow the Lost Coast Road back through Sandpoint and
out the northern gate. As the road
continues east parallel to the coast, a brightly-coloured wagonful of the
area’s indigenous Varisians wave and smile.
Later in the morning, the adventurers reach a patch of the road just
south of Shank’s Wood where Shalelu says the highwayman was last known to have
attacked. Ome kneels down to look for
signs, and although it’s been weeks since the attack, the tengu is confident
she’s found tracks heading into the forest!
Shalelu is dubious of Ome’s findings, but reluctantly agrees to
accompany them into the woods. Ome
reports that several sets of goblin prints criss-cross the area and make
tracking difficult, but after about a mile she suddenly stands up and
points. A gurgling brook runs from east
to west in front of them, spanned by a mossy fallen log. On the far side of the water, an old
trapper’s cabin made from scavenged timber and driftwood can be discerned
through the treeline.
as the most heavily armoured of the group, is chosen to take the lead in
approaching the shack. He calls out, and
soon the poorly-hung front door opens.
An older man with unkempt grey hair peers out cautiously. When asked about the bandit Shank, the man
says he hasn’t had any run-ins with bandits but that there are several goblins
about. He says that he’s a trapper and
fisherman, and invites Arnald in for a cup of tea.
The interior of the
cabin is dark and smoky for some reason.
Arnald loses sight of the man and the next thing he knows, a thick
leathery arm is wrapping around his head!
Arnald calls out in distress as something sharp sinks into his neck and
a sloppy sucking sound can be heard.
Shalelu rushes into the shack, but although she hears Arnald yelling she
can’t tell exactly where he is because of the smoke. She notices a small firepit on the ground
and, thinking quickly, smothers it with a blanket. Seconds later, Eugeni makes a dramatic entrance:
having become magically twice as large, he smashes through the wall of the
shack, sending shards of wood everywhere!
Ome follows through, bow at the ready.
The air begins to clear as the three adventurers see that Arnald is
struggling futilely against his attackers grip.
And, for the first time, they realize his attacker is no elderly
trapper: it’s a grotesque, faceless creature with leathery skin!
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Faceless Stalker |
The creature, which Eugeni identifies as an Ugothol (or “faceless
stalker”) continues to squeeze and drain the life out of Arnald as the others
attack it and inflict several deep wounds.
The aberration offers to let Arnald go if they’ll let it go, but they
refuse; when bartering fails, the creature threatens a lifetime of stalking the
adventurers, as they’ll never know when they’re safe. But when the Ugothol pushes Arnald away and
tries to flee, Eugeni knocks the creature to the ground and then Arnald finally
gets vengeance and cuts the creature in twain with one might swing of his
greataxe! Eugeni and Ome quickly scour
the interior of the shack and discover a small cache of money and magical items
hidden underneath a filthy bed made of fur and branches. The two adventurers use their bodies to
shield their find from the others, and keep most of the treasure to
themselves. Outside, Shalelu finds a
ten-foot deep pit containing mud, decomposing bodies (“Shank’s” victims), and a
disgusting maggot-like grub the size of a small dog! Arnald is very interested in searching the
pit, but the others persuade him to leave it alone.
announces herself more-or-less satisfied with the newcomers’ skill in
battle. Although it’s out of their way,
the group must return to Sandpoint before tackling Thistletop because the elf’s
bow splintered in the battle against the faceless stalker. They reach the town again in the early
afternoon and Shalelu leaves the other three to wait at the northern gate while
she goes to buy a new bow. While she’s
gone, Ome asks Arnald for more information on what happened on his previous
foray to Thistletop. His answers are
vague and full of jokes, much to the tengu’s annoyance. Eugenie quietly tells his long-time friend
that the human sellsword is clearly not the brains of the operation. The three talk about passing the time
gambling, but realize they don’t have dice or a deck of cards to play
with. Arnald heads into town and to the
general store. Seeing the “No
Adventurers!” sign in the window, he tries to disguise himself by pulling up
the hood on his winter cloak. But Ven
Vinder isn’t fooled, and when Arnald is slow in leaving, Ven swings his cudgel
so hard it makes an audible “crack” when it connects with Arnald’s skull! The mercenary gets the message and leaves
before further violence erupts.
the four adventurers are back together, they head back east. Shalelu is able to find a route through
Nettlewood that avoids most of the dense forest’s obstacles and dangers. Soon, in the later afternoon, they stand on
the edge of the promontory, across from which is the isle fortress of
Thistletop. Shalelu, Arnald, and Ome are
able to scramble down the 80’ cliff and into the water below with little
difficulty, but Eugenie slips and tumbles awkwardly, hurting himself in the
process. Fortunately, the half-orc’s
friend is able to draw up divine magic to heal him. The group then swims across the narrow
channel and are able to scale Thistletop using the rope to the former lair of
the tentamort. The adventurers make
haste towards the research room containing a secret door to the stairs
below. Shalelu notices that many of the
books and scrolls that had been there are now gone.
the adventurers are on the second subterranean level of the complex, Shalelu
and Arnald point out to Ome and Eugenie the exact spot where the corridor ahead
is trapped. The four spend a long time
discussing various ways to get past the trap until Shalelu, frustrated, backs
up and leaps over the pressure plate on the floor! The other three follow her lead without
incident. Surprisingly, however, Nualia
is nowhere to be found. A cursory look
at the room she had been in before shows it to be a study of some sort, as it
contains various small tables and chairs and is well-lit by enchanted blazing
skulls. Wide stone ledges of red marble
line the curving walls of the room and contain strange scrimshaw artwork,
taxidermied animals and limbs, and several spots where the dust has been recently
disturbed as if things that were once there are now gone.
The adventurers move
on to another chamber across the corridor.
Here they find an “L” shaped hallway, the southern part of which ends at
a pair of stone doors carved with the depictions of two skeletons reaching out
to clutch a skull between them. The
walls of the eastern part of the chamber narrows down to frame a circular
carving of what seems to be immense stacks of tens of thousands of gold coins
rising from floor to ceiling. Eugenie
casts a minor divination spell to discern that the stacks carry with them the aura
of illusion magic.
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Shadows |
Pressing on, the adventurers open the skull-marked stone doors. Four pillars support the vaulted ceiling of
the room beyond, while alcoves containing standing stone sarcophagi line the
walls. The centre of the room is
dominated by the statue of a stern man wielding a glaive and holding a
book. The adventurers decide to split up
and take their time looking for secret doors, but their search is interrupted
as insubstantial, inky black, vaguely humanoid-shaped shadows emerge from three
of the sarcophagi and fly towards the intruders! Their touch is witheringly cold and drains
the vitality of living creatures, a fact Shalelu discovers all too well before
retreating out of the room. In her
haste, she fails to account for the trap the group bypassed earlier and suffers
multiple cuts.
Eugeni, and Arnald fall back as well and soon realize the manifestations of
spiritual energy are bound to the crypt and cannot leave. Ome, having come prepared for many
eventualities, coats the tip of several arrows with an alchemical compound that
will allow the projectiles to harm the ghostly figures. Eugeni manifests blast after blast of
eldritch fire to burn the creatures, and the renewed battle goes well until
Arnald strays too close to the entrance to the crypt and gets swarmed! His body grows incredibly weak and he is
barely able to fight off the siren song of death before Eugeni destroys the
last of the undead lurkers.
third and perhaps final raid on Thistletop has begun, yet Nualia is nowhere to
be found. Has she slipped through the
adventurers’ grasp?
Director's Commentary (22/05/2017)
Eugeni and Ome were, of course, the new characters for, respectively, Nedrin's and Felix's players. Eugeni was a half-orc wizard, while Ome was a tengu inquisitor of Calistria. The two players worked together to create some shared background for their characters, which was a nice touch that made it much easier to integrate them into the campaign. The PCs were around 5th level at this time but because of all the character deaths I wanted to have the first encounter for the session be something more manageable than they might find at Thistletop. I used an encounter from the first hardcover volume of the Pathfinder comic involving a Faceless Stalker masquerading as a common highwayman. I liked how the encounter turned out, because the dim lighting and smoke inside the shack made for a naturally more challenging (and exciting) battle than I expected.
Speaking of Thistletop, I had to put some thought into deciding what Nualia would do. The adventure path has instructions for what happens if she escapes, but she actually won the battle and it was the PCs who retreated. But, she was also almost the only living creature alive in the fortress and I didn't want to have a video game style campaign where the boss just sits around waiting for the heroes to come back. So the PCs lost out on a clear victory, some XP, some treasure, and a lot of information when she abandoned Thistletop. She makes a return appearance in Chapter Two, however, and the PCs luck will prove much better.
GMs will note something major in Thistletop that the PCs missed, but that's okay. Not every party has to have the same experiences, and it's good that the adventure path isn't on rails.
I was nervous about the fight against the shadows since they can easily overwhelm and kill PCs, so I was impressed with how well the group did against them.
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