Asteroid is one of those rare flip-mats that I've used one side several times, but have never used the other side. The main side features the heavily-cratered surface of an asteroid, and I've used it in several Starfinder Society games. It's nicely detailed with terrain features like crevices, boulders, cliffs, and even a pit that combine for some interesting tactical choices. A GM should prepare ahead of time, however, for what sorts of DCs they want to set for climbing up or jumping over some of these features. It's appropriately generic as well, so you can use it in multiple sessions with no sense of "this place again!" The flip-side is (according to the text) "a grimy mining station nestled beneath the asteroid's surface." It's actually really cool and would serve perfectly as a space pirate hideout, a rebel base, or anything else of the sort. The purposes of the various rooms are easily identifiable (there are bunks, washrooms, a rec room, a computer room, a commander's office, and more). The detail is also nice, with grease spots and dented flooring, sensible features like small gardens (fresh food would be a luxury in a place like this!), etc. It would work well as a PC headquarters, but could also be pulled out quickly when a GM needs a "bad guy base" for the group to assault. With both sides of the flip-mat quite useful,
Asteroid is a winner.
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