Monday, April 9, 2018

Paizo GenCon 2012 Pin Set [RPG]

It's 2018 and I've never been to GenCon, but I ordered the Paizo GenCon 2012 Pin Set because . . . hm, I'm not really sure.  Probably because it was $ 3 and I have a collecting problem.  I don't even wear pins!

Anyway, these pins are the standard type and size, with a horizontal pin and clasp.  All of them have "Indy GenCon: The Best Four Days in Gaming 2012" printed at the top, and four of the five have "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" printed at the bottom (the fifth one has "Pathfinder Society").  Moving left to right in the picture, we have 1) a classic Pathfinder goblin (a "first edition goblin," I should say, given recent news of the 2E playtest!) from the cover of the Bestiary; 2) Seoni, the Iconic Sorcerer, in an image I think taken from the first Pathfinder comic series; 3) the cover from the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition (a book that launched in 2012); 4) Sheila Heidmarch, the Pathfinder Society Venture-Captain in Magnimar (and thus, a relevant image for a Pathfinder Society pin); 5) Karzoug, the same Runelord seen in Pin # 3.

All the art is recycled, and I imagine these were free giveaways in the GenCon 2012 swag bag.  I think they're kinda cool, but don't really have a lot more to say about them.  If you need Pathfinder pins . . . they are indeed Pathfinder pins.

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