Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Pathfinder Society "Year of the Demon" T-Shirt [RPG]

One might say, "PFS Season 5 was the Year of the Demon and that was like five years ago, so why are you reviewing this shirt now?"  To which, I would reply "a cool shirt is a cool shirt."  And this shirt is very cool!  You have a four-horned bony demon with glowing eyes bursting out of the center, the Pathfinder Society logo on the top, and the season logo at the bottom.  Of the Pathfinder shirts I own, it's probably my favourite.  There's not a lot else to review about t-shirts: it's got that "Fruit of the Loom" quality and hasn't faded or fallen apart after several washings, so that's good.  In sum: cool shirt--buy it now while it's on clearance!

* To answer Murdock Muckeater's question from January of 2016: Yes, the back is blank.

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