Friday, September 13, 2019

Pathfinder Tales: "The Irregulars" [RPG]


The Irregulars is a free, four-part series of Pathfinder web fiction available here.  The story's about a group of Andoren slave-liberators undertaking a mission in nearby Molthune.  Unfortunately, there wasn't much about the story that really caught me--it was very by-the-book, with forgettable characters and plot.  One can't complain about free, but I'd put this one pretty low on the reading list.


The story starts with the heroes ambushing a slave caravan headed toward a camp in Molthune.  After getting some of the camp's defenders to sortie out looking for them, the Andorens then launch their plan to sneak in and set the slaves free.  There are a lot of new characters to take in during Part 1.  The action scenes are fine, but a bit confusing in places.  Probably the story's biggest fault is that there just isn't much tension--things largely go as planned, and that doesn't make for a nail-biting read.  There's nothing particularly wrong with The Irregulars--it's just that with so much other Pathfinder material to read, there's no point in making this a priority.

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