Sunday, January 28, 2018

Pathfinder Tales: "Hell or High Water" [RPG]


One of the things that Paizo does a nice job with in its Pathfinder Tales fiction is tell stories with characters and settings very different than generic fantasy.  Hell or High Water, a four-part series of free web fiction (available here) is a good example.  Set in the jungles and swamps of the Mwangi Expanse, the story involves characters very different than traditional adventurers.  It's a dark and sometimes gruesome story with great atmosphere and some exciting action scenes.  Definitely one to read if you want a break from the norm.


Hell or High Water has two main characters: a tribal warrior of the Imjaka Mwangi named Ameyanda and a lizardman named Seyusth.  Because Ameyanda owes Seyusth a life debt, she reluctantly accompanies him into the foreboding Sodden Lands in search of another lizardman who has been kidnapped by a cult named the White Leech.  There are some really cool moments in the story, like Seyusth turning into a giant crocodile, or an about-to-be-captured Ameyanda embedding a giant crocodile tooth in her flesh so she could later pull it out to sever her bonds (she's a resourceful hero)!  It's a very grisly story in bits (the cult is all about flesh-eating, undead, etc.), but I wasn't turned off.  The artwork accompanying the story is better than most.  I think the only thing that brought the story down for me was that I was a bit confused about the plot (especially Seyusth's relationship with his cousin Issick and the whole backstory there), but that could be because I read each part spaced out by a couple of days.  Anyway, on the whole this is a solid story, high recommended for fans of the Mwangi Expanse or lizardmen.

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