Sunday, December 16, 2018

RealmsToowoomba Recap # 86 [RPG]

[1 Eleasis 1372 continued]

Ralkin emerges from Mellia’s conjured mansion with his sister Shiro close on his heels. He tells her that he doesn’t need protection at the moment and that she is free to attend to her own errands. Shiro asks her brother if he has access to a bag of holding that she can use. Ralkin says he will keep an eye out.  Whilst invisible, Shiro searches the camp and steals manacles, rope and woodworking tools but cannot find a smokestick. Meanwhile, Ralkin persuades the amiable Tunak that the refugees cannot safely remain on Startop Mountain and that he (Tunak) should put his considerable persuasive skills to work encouraging them to leave. Tunak agrees.  There is a sudden commotion in the camp, noticed by Tunak, Ralkin and Shiro. 

Inside the mansion, Markus states that the abrupt departure of the Bronzefeather siblings in the midst of the discussion was quite rude. He turns his attention to Cain, who is still very taciturn following his defeat to Felix Ruul in the previous day’s duel. Both Mellia and Urist attempt to dissuade Markus from pestering the cleric. Finally, Urist reminds Markus how frustrated he felt when he lost his last duel at the sword academy. Realization dawning, Markus and Urist discuss that the best solution to such a problem seems to them to be alcohol; however Cain’s lack of appetite for drink presents a problem. 

Meanwhile, Mellia has taken a moment to collect her thoughts and has had a change of heart. She admits that as much as she would like to help the refugees she understands that their party has other priorities and that the looming invasion of undead is too large for them to deal with confidently. She is eager to journey beneath Startop to begin that long-delayed quest, but she is worried about getting trapped if there are wards against teleportation. Suddenly, Mellia turns pale and quickly excuses herself to dash upstairs as she is overcome by morning sickness. Markus worriedly asks Cain if Mellia is alright. The cleric does not appear at all concerned and says his wife is fine.  El Capitan chooses this time to rejoin the group, having previously excused himself to deal with the problems associated with a feline digestive track. The discussion continues with all parties agreeing that it would be a pleasure to fight the orcs beneath Startop Mountain. 

When Ralkin returns to the mansion, he takes the opportunity to play a practical joke on Markus: he taps Cain’s suit of armour and says out loud that the cleric must have magically transported himself upstairs before heading to his own room. Markus is surprised to hear that the suit of armour is empty and moves to investigate, jerking back in alarm when the very much present Cain bats him away. While he recovers his dignity, Markus suggests that Cain go and check on Mellia so the group can continue planning.  Cain finds his pregnant wife sitting on the floor of the lavatory in their suite with a cold cloth against her forehead. He expresses sympathy for her condition, but she reminds him this is to be expected. They discuss strategy and Mellia puts forth a revised plan: the group will teleport under Startop Mountain and briefly explore the caverns near where they had previously visited, killing any orcs that they find. That will confirm whether or not teleporting will be an issue and will allow her to get to know the area to reduce the chance of mishaps with her spell. Once that is complete, they will teleport to Silverymoon or Waterdeep, purchase scroll-writing materials, and hole up somewhere safe to spend the days needed to prepare for an all-out assault on Nesme.

The conversation turns to the package for Markus that his Marauders were holding onto before transferring it to Cain in Silverymoon. Cain offers to have Ralkin look it over and Mellia, feeling her nausea rise again, hastily agrees and urges her husband to depart, which he does. Cain finds Ralkin in his room and the kenku agrees to examine it.  The well-crafted wooden box is held closed with black leather cords, and a small rolled scroll is tied to the top.  Ralkin examines the outside of the box thoroughly, and discovers no traps.  When Cain is asked where Mellia is, the cleric notes that she is feeling unwell. Ralkin fixes Cain with a knowing gaze and says “Of course”. When the kenku retreats back into his room, Cain casts a spell that allows him to detect magic and he picks up the faint presence of a glamer inside the box. Regrouping with Mellia, who has recovered from her bout of illness, they decide to keep testing the box and to hold off again from passing it along to Markus. They also decide to head outside and talk to Jygil Zelnathra. 

When they get outside though, Cain and Mellia find the camp strangely deserted, with the sound of distant wailing. Approaching guards at the Keep to ask what is wrong, Mellia finds them surly and very agitated. The guards state that Jygil Zelnathra will be making an announcement soon and when Mellia asks about Truehammer, the guards react strangely. Mellia and Cain talk about this on their way back to the mansion and, combined with Shiro’s claim to have spoken with Truehammer the night before and his alleged change of heart regarding the adventurers, the couple begin to suspect that Shiro may have caused some harm to befall the camp’s warleader. 

However, that is not the only strange thing happening in the camp. As Cain and Mellia return to the entrance to the mansion, they find an unknown man waiting there. He does not speak, but gestures as if in a wild sword duel until it becomes clear he is looking for Markus.  When Markus comes outside, he has no idea who the fellow is but is delighted (if somewhat confused) when the man kneels and presents his sword to him.  Urist helps Markus realize that the man is pledging himself.  Urist decides to test the newcomer, and when the swordsman’s first blow claps the dwarf on the side of her head, she is pleased.  Mellia however, does not share Markus’ delight and remains suspicious.  She asks the seemingly mute man if it’s okay if she reads his thoughts, and he signals his disapproval.  When asked to write his name, the man makes several marks on the paper provided, but no one is able to discern their meaning.  Mellia flatly refuses to allow the stranger, whom Markus dubs “Mighty Warrior,” into her conjured mansion. 

Inside, Mellia finds Ralkin in the common room and takes the opportunity to ask her friend some pointed questions about his sister (who is absent) and whether or not Shiro was the cause of Truehammer’s death. Ralkin does not deny it, stating that Shiro, like all kenku, is prone to obsessive behaviour.  Shiro gets paid for disappearances, he says, and Truehammer was not well liked, but any conclusions must be drawn by one’s self and he’s only explaining, not condoning, his sister’s behavior.

The peeling of bells indicate to the adventurers outside the mansion that all of the people in the camp are drifting towards the Keep: the time has come for Jygil Zelnathra’s announcement. Those inside are summoned.  Jygil herself appears very grave as she stands before the crowd and confirms that the rumours are true: Sir Triandial Truehammer has been murdered. She says it does not obviously appear to be the work of the Smiling Man, and therefore the possibility arises that there is more than one murderer within the camp itself. With an invasion looming, their leader dead, their maps of the area destroyed, and the risk of further sabotage and assassinations, Jygil says that she and the Riders of New Nesme have determined that the entire camp should depart, en masse, by midday.  The group will travel to the river and by barge to Silverymoon where, if the stars and spirits provide, Truehammer might be returned to the realm of the living.  In any event, everyone in the camp will have an opportunity to rest, resupply, and plan next steps within the safety of the Gem of the North.

Following this speech, Mellia waits for Jygil to speak to various members of the camp before having a brief word with her. Mellia offers condolences for the loss, noting that although she did not personally like Truehammer, she knew he was important for the camp. She offers to transport his body to Silverymoon, observing that this would be a quicker way to accomplish the task; but although Jygil appreciates the gesture, she declines, noting that Truehammer would have preferred to remain with his people.  Jygil confides that she is torn about the decision to leave instead of staying to defend Startop Castle like Truehammer would have wanted, but that with everything she has seen she cannot share his faith that this is a just world where goodness prevails.  Nearby, El Capitan asks Markus whether he thinks “the bird” did it, as Shiro all but admitted it earlier.  Markus says that no kenku can be trusted (referencing not only Shiro and Ralkin, but Villiam Teel as well), but El Capitan objects to the stereotype.  They both also agree that although Silverymoon is an enjoyable locale to visit, they would both be in danger should they return there (Markus from Villiam Teel, El Capitan from his own father!). 

When the group returns to the mansion and enters the common room, Ralkin solicitously pulls out a chair for Mellia.   The group drinks a toast to Truehammer’s memory, but Shiro’s jest that “He had a lot of guts!” elicits distasteful looks from those who suspect a murderer in their midst.  Mellia lays out the strategy she talked over earlier with Cain for the group’s next steps, and there is general agreement to the plan. Having noted that her husband still appears a bit the worse for wear following the previous day’s battle, Mellia arranges to speak with Cain privately and asks him if he intends to heal himself. Though he is reluctant to use his magics on anything other than offense, Cain finally acquiesces to please her. She shakes her head, tells him he is a stubborn man and kisses him. They both acknowledge that they are already feeling the effects of their magickal oath to raze Nesme and decide that a raid must happen soon. 

For his part, Markus is pleased when Ralkin finally agrees to give him a note for Tunak, authorizing the release of the swordsman’s pack from Tunak’s wagon. However, Markus remains frustrated as Tunak deems the note a fake and refuses to budge. He has better luck using his rapier to ‘rename’ Mighty Warrior and Urist (as Sir Urist).  El Capitan takes the time to observe the many fleeing refugees, paying attention to his many conquests and admirers, both male and female, as the people of New Nesme depart. 

The group prepares for their raid on the orcs below Startop. Mellia notes that Cain’s remaining mephit seems sad and lonely and asks Cain when he plans to summon a new one. Cain tells his wife that he has some ideas on the subject but does not divulge further detail. Markus at long last retrieves his pack from Tunak’s trunk with Mellia’s aid.  Shiro shares the intelligence that her shadow companion was able to gather by slipping incorporeally through barriers: the orcs have installed a crude wooden door at the bottom of the long staircase to their caverns, and have placed a bell on the opposite side of the door to warn them of intruders.  But moreso, despite moving stealthily and silently, the orcs must have some magickal means of detection because as soon as the shadow entered, two bands of orcs took up ambush positions in nearby corridors.

Knowing that the back room of the Keep that contains the doorway leading to the orc caverns below has been sealed by Callushands, the group decides to involve Tunak, who promises to be able to magickally bypass the rubble.  The decision is made to divide the group in two: half of the party will teleport in with Mellia, while half will teleport in (via a less powerful spell) with Tunak. The plan is to catch the orcs unawares and destroy them as they come to one another’s aid.  The group casts spells and steel themselves for battle.  However, nothing goes as planned when the transportation spells are cast.  Mellia’s spell seems to succeed for an instant, but then the adventurers are bounced painfully back to where they started. At the same time, Tunak’s limited grasp of what he was being asked to do results in his group of adventurers stuck in a rocky hallway (in a room adjacent to their starting point) between two piles of debris. Tunak finally manages to magickally move his group out of that hallway, but they end up on the pathway leading up the mountain!  Markus, his movements hastened by Mellia’s spells, runs rapidly back up the path, followed by Urist, Tunak, Cain’s remaining mephit and the mute man dubbed Mighty Warrior.  They pass the refugees and guards who have begun their temporary abandonment of New Nesme.  Markus decides that it would be a good idea to begin moving the debris blocking the tunnel below by hand, which he does with both Urist and El Capitan watching him work.

Her newest and most powerful transportation spell having failed her, Mellia feels as though nothing is going right and beings to cry, sobbing into her husband’s armoured shoulder. When Markus returns, he joins Cain in trying to comfort her, suggesting that Mellia would feel better if she burnt something. Mellia deems that a good idea and she, Cain, Ralkin, Shiro and Cain’s mephit quickly depart for another quick and bloody raid on Nesme. After lobbing a few fireballs at the same guard tower attacked previously, her spirits are much improved and the group teleport back.

By this time, the former New Nesme is mostly deserted, although a handful of stubborn folk have remained with some small carts and wagons.  Having noted that the wagon labeled “Bowclicker’s Obscurancies & Discoveries” has remained behind, Shiro and Ralkin decide to investigate. Shiro’s shadow determines that the wagon appears to be empty inside, except for a single locked chest, which also appears to be empty.  Intrigued, Ralkin temporarily exchanges his bag of holding for Shiro’s ring of invisibility and goes to investigate. The skilled kenku is easily able to break into the wagon. However as he begins to examine the interior and the locked chest for traps, Shiro sees that so-called Mighty Warrior, having noted that the doors to the wagon are open, is making a beeline for the spot where Ralkin is exploring. The mute man jumps into the wagon and bolts the door behind him.  As Ralkin turns around, the man’s very flesh transforms into hundreds and hundreds of monstrous centipedes!  The man’s armor slips to the ground, empty, but the swarm crawls all over Ralkin before the stunned kenku can react.  In mere instants, the nauseating centipedes are biting the trapsmaster and injecting a vile poison that slows his reflexes.  Realizing her brother must be in trouble, Shiro flies across the ground and disappears into a nearby shadow, only to reappear within the wagon itself!  Grabbing her brother’s hand, she steps into the shadows again and back out into the courtyard.   Once he is free of the wagon, Ralkin flees at top speed for the mansion while Shiro keeps a sharp watch on the wagon, though no one emerges.  Later, her shadow companion once again reports that it is empty. 

Meanwhile, Cain has again settled into his fireplace to meditate, though his mood also seems somewhat improved. He and Mellia discuss the possibility of transmuting his helm to hold the constant appearance of flickering flames.  Talk turns to battle strategy and Cain and Mellia decide that the best plan is to head for Waterdeep the next day to buy supplies and to abandon Startop Mountain for now until Nesme has been dealt with. Clad only in a silk robe, Mellia observes that she is hardly attired for discussions with the rest of the party, and asks Cain if he can update the rest of the group and then return so they can continue their honeymoon. Cain is quite amenable to her suggestion. 

Ralkin heads outside to talk with Shiro, who asks for her ring of invisibility to be returned. Handing it back to her, Ralkin questions his sister further for her plans with the bag of holding. Shiro plans to use it as part of her strategy to torture Jygil Zelnathra into revealing details of the other entrances below the mountain. Ralkin firmly tells his sister that his bag of holding is not an instrument of torture and stalks off with it, intending to store it back in Tunak’s wagon. Shiro follows after and the siblings are arguing over the best course of action when suddenly arrows streak across the courtyard and graze Ralkin, who is caught flat-footed by the sneak attack!  The assassin dubbed “Might Warrior” by Markus charges in human form and then, when close enough, disperses again into a roiling mass of insects.

Shiro attempts to fight off the swarm with flaming arrows but is thwarted by the high winds in the area. Ralkin, whose normal fleetness of foot has been hampered by poisoned wounds taken from the swarm, is also fighting off nausea. Despite some battle healing by Tunak, the kenku is severely injured, and bolts for the safety of the mansion again.  But in his desperation, Ralkin has forgotten that he still carries his bag of holding and as he passes the portal, the presence of two extra-dimensional spaces in one place causes a tremendous implosion of magical power and a loud sonic boom. The bag of holding, its contents, Cain’s loyal mephit and the mansion are destroyed, whilst Cain and Mellia are painfully ejected onto the ground and wounded.  Alas, Ralkin suffers the worst fate of all: his body, broken and battered by the blast, shows no signs of life.

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