Sunday, December 16, 2018

RealmsToowoomba Recap # 96 [RPG]

[9 Eleasis 1372 continued]

The battered body of the feline swashbuckler El Capitan lies on the ground surrounded by armed and enraged barbarians. The only one close enough to intercede is Daarion, who glances at his friend Londo for guidance. “The story must be followed” says the Namer, and Daarion hangs his head sadly. An axe rises and El Capitan sees his doom descending. “Sacre bleu!” he cries out before his head is lopped off and rolls away from his corpse. Seeing this, the other adventurers continue to retreat to discuss their strategy. Ralkin though, continues to pepper the barbarians with arrows.

As Daarion flies over to join his allies, the barbarian chief, Hagar Hludwiggson taunts him for being a coward before ordering his men to place the heads of Markus and El Capitan on pikes and to return to the lodge for celebrations of their victory. The adventurers discuss their next move, with Mellia advocating an immediate withdrawal and Londo pressing to continue the fight. Daarion is quickly recognized as the only one with the potential to stand toe-to-toe with the barbarians. Cain, who still has no access to his normal spells and abilities, states that if Daarion fights, he will not abandon him, reminding the group that all they really require is the head of the barbarian chief. Still, Cain cannot physically join the battle as he is devoting himself to protecting his pregnant wife, since Mellia is unable to safely cast any spells in the wild magic zone. Mellia is less than confident regarding the outcome of a continued battle, but offers that she does have a crossbow and Ralkin has had some success with his massive bone-bow. For his part, Londo exhorts Daarion to fight, noting that he is willing to commit to this battle to see these evil-doers receive their just deserts.

His decision made, Daarion charges back into battle, startling the barbarians with his fury. He quickly engages Hagar in a brutal battle to the death, using his ability to hover above the enraged warriors to gain an advantage. Meanwhile, Ralkin continues to fire arrows from his powerful bow. With Cain shielding her from any physical reprisals, Mellia joins in and displays surprising marksmanship with her light crossbow. Londo decides he needs a better vantage point to observe the battle and risks the wild magic zone again in order to cast a spell that will grant him the power of flight. The spell works, but with an unintended consequence, as the cleric suddenly becomes extremely enamored with himself.  The ranged weapons help to wound the various barbarians, but truly it is Daarion who carries the day, his righteous fury granting him great skill in battle. Soon the warriors of the Blue Bear tribe and their chieftan lay dead on the ground and Markus and El Capitan are avenged. The adventurers move forward to retrieve the bodies of their fallen companions and to reap the spoils of their victory.

As Cain collects the head of the barbarian chief, Mellia pauses to kneel down and pat the lifeless hand of Markus, telling her departed friend how sorry she is and that she’ll miss him. Londo suggests that if they take the bodies along with them to Waterdeep, he could converse with their spirits to determine whether they would like to be returned from the dead. Mellia and Cain quickly agree to this.  However, even as the group moves about their tasks, Ralkin’s eagle-eyes spot possible danger heading their way. Two figures are moving in from the distance : a very tall man and a woman with deep red hair. The same figures also sense the potential for trouble in the adventurers, with the man asking the woman “Do you sense danger?” “I always sense danger” is her acid reply.

Londo flies forward to greet the strangers, with Daarion (bearing the corpses of Markus and El Capitan) at his side. Londo explains that he and his allies have tracked down assassins who tried to kill an ambassador in Waterdeep.  Londo’s strange squeaky voice is noted with distaste by the woman, who introduces herself as Lilith. Closer examination reveals she has distinctive tattoos along her arm, which Londo realizes displays allegiance to the moon goddess Selune.  Lilith’s companion is an older, extremely well-muscled elf who gives the name Usuku. The conversation remains peaceful, though Lilith appears very surly, especially when she appears to realize that she and her companion are late for some event, the details of which they decline to share. As they talk, the now-expanded group also realizes that yet another figure has emerged from the woods and is sitting quietly, waiting to be acknowledged. This figure is even taller than Usuku, over seven-feet tall, but extremely pale and covered in white hair and scars. The latest newcomer calls out to Lilith and Usuku and says that they are, in fact, too late.  However, Lilith’s attention has been drawn by the newcomer who appears exceedingly calm and peaceful. He introduces himself as Yin, and Lilith whispers to Usuku that she trusts his scent.

Mellia and Cain are anxious to return to Waterdeep to complete their task and thus tell their friends that it is time to be going. Ralkin is happy enough to depart, dragging with him a bag full of scavenged gears and other loot from the fallen barbarians. Londo, using a flint and steel borrowed from Cain, sets the lodge on fire before departing. Lilith and Usuku, realizing that they have missed their appointment, decide to tag along with the others towards Waterdeep. Yin joins them and he and Lilith drop back behind the others to talk. Yin confirms that he was born with “it” and Lilith displays a vicious scar from a bite wound on her shoulder. She also welcomes back her hawk, Ellia.

As Cain and Mellia walk along there is still tension between them. Mellia finally speaks up to tell her husband that this is the second time that Markus sacrificed himself for their causes. Given that, she suggests that perhaps they could honour their fallen friend by naming one of the twins after him in some way. Cain merely tells her that they have plenty of time to discuss that and Mellia lapses back into silence.

The group walks for several hours until they are certain they have exited the wild magic zone and then they prepare to teleport, with the newcomers accepting the offer of a shortened trip back to the city.  However, before the adventurers depart, they decide to shift the distribution of their carried equipment and the bodies of Markus and El Capitan. Ralkin begins placing the weapons and armor looted from the dead barbarians into his bag of holding, but in his haste he accidentally pierces it when attempting to place a great axe inside!  The bag implodes, destroying itself and sending its contents into limbo.  A further mishap awaits the group when the teleportation spells are activated: though both Mellia and Londo’s spells work perfectly, Daarion forgets to lower his innate resistance to magic and is left behind with no choice but to walk back to Waterdeep, corpses in tow, grumbling to himself all the while.

Having arrived at the Font of Knowledge, Mellia bids the newcomers farewell. She says that she and her friends are often found in this area and a message left at the library will reach them. Londo also wishes Usuku, Lilith and Yin farewell and receives a polite bow from Yin in return. Lilith whispers to Usuku that she believes they can trust Yin and that he is ‘like her’. They invite him to come along with them for the evening to talk further and he agrees.

Ralkin enters the library to complete his spell research for the day. Since he has lost his extra-dimensional items, Mellia invites him to again take up his room in her conjured mansion, which she creates near the library. She and Cain then head off towards the Thayan embassy.  When they arrive, they are recognized by the gate guards and allowed to enter. Cain stalks to the room where he previously encountered Consul Arkanak and finds him still guarding the stricken Ambassador Anazim. Without a word, Cain reaches into his pack and tosses the severed head of Hagar Hlutwigsson across the room. He then leaves, his wife following behind. As they walk back towards the mansion, Mellia asks Cain if they should finally talk about some of the subjects they have been avoiding. Cain nods and tells her that he wants to see if they can have her appointment with the midwife moved up. Surprised, Mellia asks if there is nothing else he wants to discuss, but Cain just says they should wait until the privacy of the mansion. Mellia suffers guilt and pain from her failure to comply with the bonds of the Nesme quest that day, though she manages to hide her symptoms from her husband.

As Lilith, Usuku and Yin walk towards a hostel that Lilith knows about, they are suddenly confronted by a trio of drunken dwarves, stumbling out of a tavern. One of the inebriated dwarves takes issue with Usuku and yells that ‘his kind’ are not wanted in Waterdeep before tossing a tankard at the elf, who nimbly dodges. Though Yin notes that there is no honour in fighting, Lilith curses the dwarves and intimidates them into backing off. A short time later, they arrive at a dirty but very cheap hostel with sticky floors and a dank smell. “Home sweet home”, notes Lilith.

At the Font of Knowledge, Ralkin continues his spell research. Separately, Londo identifies the potions and flasks retrieved during the day. He is also approached by a man dressed as a minor nobleman, though with an odd, vacant expression and a voice devoid of emotion. The nobleman presses Londo to participate in a business venture, guaranteed to lead to enormous wealth, but Londo is not interested. As the fellow departs, the Cleric of Oghma notes that the fellow appears to be under some form of mental control.

Arriving at the mansion, Cain and Mellia head to their bedroom to talk. Cain tells Mellia that he wants her to find a way to lift the quest on herself, just as she did for him. She is reluctant to cause further trouble with the church, but he insists and she promises to do so at the first opportunity, having learned the spell required. Cain has nothing else to say and begins his evening prayers, spending an extended amount of time in his efforts. Mellia gets ready for bed and joins him. The atmosphere is very tense and awkward and Mellia continually stops herself from speaking up. Eventually, as Cain prepares for bed, he asks her what it is she wants to say. Mellia tells him that she wants to avoid saying the wrong things, but that she is sorry that she caused him to lose his connection to Kossuth. However, Cain declines to discuss the subject and she subsides. He turns his back on her and lapses into sleep. Mellia waits until she is certain her husband is truly sleeping and slips downstairs to begin writing a letter.

When Ralkin finishes his spell research he visits the elder kenku he asked to help him locate ‘third parties’ interested in helping him to ‘obtain’ the item of fabricate owned by Hero Hrothgar. The elder has two possibilities for Ralkin. The first is a group of thieves who are willing to take the job for 4000 gold - half up front, half on delivery. The second option is an individual who is desperate to make a name for himself. He is willing to do the job for only 2500 gold, though the elder notes he is unlikely to be successful working on his own. The elder also indicates that his time as Ralkin’s go-between has ended and he gives Ralkin directions to a sewer grate where he can meet the group of thieves to continue negotiations for himself. Ralkin thanks him for his assistance and leaves, heading briefly to the warehouse by the sewers where he fails to find any sign of his sister Shiro. He then heads back to Mellia’s conjured mansion.

At the hostel, Lilith provides Yin with a chair to sit on and commences an elaborate process of sniffing and asking questions. However, her nose proves accurate and she guesses that Yin’s ‘other form’ is that of a tiger with her first guess. However, her behaviour is abrupt and rude and Usuku chastises her sharply, noting that he is her sensei and she has agreed to accept his guidance. Lilith apologizes to Yin and they continue their conversation, discussing the event that Lilith and Usuku were too late for. Yin observes that there are ‘more of us’ than ever before, though he also noted several missing faces at this particular gathering. He also says that he likes this geographical area and has no other particular place that he needs to be. Usuku observes that Yin does not appear to be a man of great ambition, with Lilith adding that he seems to be a ‘nut job’ - causing Usuku to force her into another apology. Yin says that he is a wanderer at heart and, when Usuku makes note of his height, adds that his entire family is - or rather was - quite tall. After a brief consultation, Usuku and Lilith invite Yin to travel with them and he accepts. Lilith further asks whether the other adventurers they met that day would be worth spending further time with. Usuku says that they appeared to have heroic tendencies and that it would be good for Lilith to spend more time with the ‘female’. All three discuss the fact that with their enhanced senses, they were able to smell that Mellia is pregnant. The conversation becomes strained however, when Lilith refers to both Usuku and Yin as potential ‘mentors’ and Usuku becomes offended.

Londo seeks out another cleric of Oghma and asks him to investigate his ‘side effects’ from the wild magic zone. Though the cleric is able to recognize and lift the enchantment that caused Londo to become enamored with himself, he is told that only time will restore his voice to normal.  At last, Daarion trudges in, having walked all the way with the corpses in tow. The bodies of Markus and El Capitan are placed in vaults below the library so that the ritual of speaking with the dead can be carried out the next day. Daarion, frustrated at being left behind and irritated by Londo’s high-pitched voice, tells his friend that he intends to absent himself for a time.

In the mansion, Ralkin finds Mellia at the writing desk and quickly observes that she seems distraught. She lies and says she couldn’t sleep, though she adds when pressed that she believes Cain must be furious with her and it is frustrating that he won’t speak to her about it.  Ralkin says that perhaps Cain is not angry--perhaps he understands her actions. Mellia merely says that ‘certain things’ have become clear to her and she needs time to think. Ralkin notes that it has been a long day and heads off to bed. Mellia hides her completed letter and goes back upstairs, though she does not join Cain in bed, instead sleeping fitfully on a couch.

[10 Eleasis 1372]

As the new day dawns in Waterdeep, the weather is rainy. Lilith, Usuku and Yin head back to the library to look for the adventurers they met yesterday. They encounter Londo and are clearly disappointed to find his voice unchanged, though he does apologize for any odd behaviour he exhibited while under an enchantment. He notes that he is waiting with the others in order to speak with the spirits of Markus and El Capitan. Unsure when Mellia, Cain or Ralkin will arrive, Lilith opts to head to a nearby tavern for a drink.

Having risen before her husband, Mellia prepares her spells for the day and then casts a complicated spell that allows her to escape the magickal oath she swore to destroy Nesme. She then prepares herself and casts another spell, this one designed to mimic the divine spell atonement. However, since Mellia is not a cleric of Kossuth and her behaviour has not been devout, there is an element of risk to her efforts. She pleads with Kossuth to restore Cain’s powers, noting that her husband should not be punished for her transgressions. She attempts to take on the burden for atonement, offering her own improvised promises, with attached consequences for failure, to the deity. She concludes by burning her hand on a candle and releasing the spell. For a moment, Mellia can see the blazing eye of Kossuth atop the Flaming Brazier in Thay and she is afraid, understanding that her life has now fallen directly under Kossuth’s gaze. Fortunately, the moment passes and the sense of impending peril fades. Mellia wakes her husband and informs him of her morning’s activities, asking him to test his powers. Cain immediately moves into a nearby fireplace with no ill effects: his powers have been restored! Still, Cain says nothing to his wife, merely telling her that they should investigate moving her appointment and should find the others.

Mellia goes to see Ralkin before leaving the mansion, telling him that it may soon be time to move on and asking how much more time he requires to complete his spell research. Ralkin tells her that leaving shouldn’t be a problem, as he will finish his efforts today. He notes that she still appears very unwell, though she denies it.   Mellia attempts to sneak into the kitchen to retrieve her letter, though both Cain and Ralkin are aware that she is behaving oddly. When Ralkin asks Cain what the problem is, Cain merely says that he is waiting for his ‘wayward wife’ before beginning the day’s activities. Ralkin asks Cain to wait outside, noting he has something he’d like to talk to Mellia about and Cain agrees. Mellia returns and Ralkin questions her about what she was trying to hide. Finally, she admits that she has successfully had Cain’s powers returned, but that she did not expect the spell to actually work and had thought they would need to travel to Thay. To that end, she had written her husband an important letter. Mellia refuses to say more, so she and Ralkin head outside to join Cain, though Mellia keeps patting her pocket, to confirm that the letter is still there.

Outside, they quickly encounter Londo, Daarion, Usuku, Lilith and Yin. Londo asks Ralkin, Cain and Mellia what they want to do with the items plundered from the barbarians and they agree to sell them, with Mellia appointing Ralkin as her and Cain’s representative. Londo then asks if they have time now to determine whether or not Markus or El Capitan wish to be returned to life. They say now is a good time.

Inside the Font of Knowledge, Mellia checks for messages and finds that there has been a cancellation and her appointment with the midwife has been moved up to that day at 11 am. She then heads down into the vaults with Londo, Daarion, Cain and Ralkin. Yin accompanies them as far as the door. Inside, despite his comically squeaky voice, Londo expertly casts the spell that will allow the group to converse with the shade of Markus. When asked if he wishes to be returned to life or to remain dead, the deceased swordsman cryptically says “party, drink, party, drink - here I stay.” He further confirms that his father is his next of kin and Urist the one he would most trust to transport his worldly possessions home for him. Finally, Markus notes that he wishes his body burnt. Saddened at this apparently final passing with her friend and highly disturbed by the necromancy spell, Mellia departs as she has no questions for El Capitan. Cain and Ralkin accompany her. Londo and Daarion repeat the ritual and learn that the deceased cat-man would also prefer to remain dead, that he wishes his goods to go to ‘the boy’ at the ‘magic school’ and that he too would prefer to be cremated, allowing his ashes to travel on the wind.

Outside, Mellia suggests to Cain that they may as well start walking towards her appointment with the midwife and he agrees. Ralkin, still suspicious of Mellia’s state of mind, elects to accompany them. Along the way, he feigns bumping into her and steals the letter from her pocket. Mellia, still distracted by all that has been happening, does not notice. At the midwife’s Mellia asks Cain to remain in the waiting room and when he objects, promises that she will do nothing to keep him out of the loop regarding her condition. When Mellia is gone, Ralkin reads the letter and is very disturbed by its contents. He asks Cain a few cryptic questions about the obvious tension between Cain and his wife, receiving little in the way of reply. Finally, Ralkin hands over the letter to Cain, though he asks that the cleric not lash out at Ralkin as the bearer of bad news. The contents of the letter disturb Cain greatly and he is obviously upset. Ralkin states that Mellia must have been terribly troubled when she wrote it, though he receives no response. Sometime later, when Mellia emerges pale and distracted from her appointment, she notices nothing awry, merely telling Cain and Ralkin that they are free to go.

During the walk back towards the mansion, Ralkin tells Mellia he will be done his spell research that day. Mellia is clearly not focused on the conversation and almost has to stop herself from walking into traffic several times. When they arrive at the Font of Knowledge, Ralkin makes a hasty retreat and continues his efforts in the library.

Mellia and Cain enter the mansion and head upstairs to their bedroom. Mellia sits for a time in front of the fire and says nothing while Cain waits for her to speak. Finally, she seems to remember where she is and tells Cain that Hestia’s suspicions were correct: she is suffering from tremble-womb. She dutifully passes along all of the midwife’s advice: she is to remain as calm as possible, and though ‘light and easy’ travel is acceptable for the first few months, after that time she will likely require complete bed rest. Nothing will erase the risk of premature birth and other serious side effects for Mellia, but rest and lack of stress will help. The fact that she is carrying twins is likely to worsen the illness and increases the chances of premature delivery even further.

Mellia is surprised when Cain presses her to tell him anything else that she is holding back, but she has nothing to add. Finally, he unfolds her letter, hidden in his pocket, and hands it over. Mellia turns pale. The letter, intended to be given to Cain after teleporting to Thay, states that Mellia intended to leave her husband for his own good. The letter states that she no longer believes that he loves her, which she believes was driven by her impurity and the actions she took which came between Cain and the church. She has come to accept that everything she touches is destroyed, causing death and pain for everything she cares about. In the letter, she makes it clear that she intends to wait for the twins to be born and then to kill herself to save her loved ones from what she sees as her negative influence.

Cain asks his wife how she could believe that her absence could possibly make him happy and is utterly shocked when she tells him that it is obvious that her presence is not making him happy and that she has ruined everything between them. Mellia pleads with him to understand that she is bad for him and that by remaining with him she risks destroying his chances to be the man of faith he obviously wants to be. Cain tells her that she is wrong and that the thought of his entire family vanishing terrifies him, and then he hands her a letter of his own. Cain’s letter tells Mellia that he knows he has difficulty communicating his emotions but that he is sorry for hurting her, that he loves her and that she, their children and the church are his reason for living.

Mellia cries when she reads Cain’s letter and Cain carefully positions himself between his wife and the doorway in case she attempts to flee. However, Mellia merely tells him again that he deserves better and that she is not strong enough. Despite Cain’s protests that they will grow stronger together, Mellia cites what she sees as her many failures: Allia is no closer to rescue, the twins are in danger, their friends are dead and Cain has faced Kossuth’s wrath because of her. She tells him that she has been clinging to him to stop herself from drowning but that she will force herself to let go in order to save him. Cain removes the chest plate from his armour and draws his sword, placing the point against his heart, telling Mellia that this is symbolic of what her leaving would do to him.

Mellia pushes the sword aside and rests her cheek against his chest. Cain holds her as she tells him in bewilderment that she was certain he no longer wanted her, describing what she perceived as his coldness of the past few days. Cain is also confused, protesting that Mellia means the world to him and that he was merely tired and sick with worry over her and the twins. He uses the example of her solo jaunt to Silverymoon as an example of her habit of making rash and dangerous decisions. Mellia protests that he was dying and she felt she had no choice. Cain argues that the quest was his burden to bear and Mellia tells him that though she is committed to the True Path and to destroying Nesme, she will always put Cain’s well-being ahead of the dictates of the church and that makes her a poor wife for an Archon. Cain however, is adamant that he cares nothing for how others may see her. He tells her that his faith will always be strong, even if it is not always rewarded by their god, but he is certain he wants his wife by his side.

Mellia tells Cain that she would not have a reason to go on without him or the children. Cain’s reply is simple: “Then stay.” Mellia hesitates for one last moment. “What if I drag you down with me?” Again, Cain’s reply is simple and forthright. “Then we will climb out together.” Mellia finally smiles for the first time in days, which elicits a rare smile from her husband, broadened when she leans up to kiss him. Their embrace grows more passionate and soon Cain leads her to the bed to physically reaffirm their commitment to one another.

Afterwards, they discuss their immediate plans for the future. After some back and forth they decide on two important courses of action. First, they plan to travel to Cormyr to meet with Gideon to find out details of his plan to rescue Allia. Mellia will be able to continue her preparations for Nesme from there, and both Cain and Mellia are eager to leave the troubles of Waterdeep behind them for a few days. They decide that they will ask Ralkin, as well as Londo and Daarion to accompany them. Second, they realize that with Markus and El Capitan dead and Urist incapacitated (and unlikely to help without Markus), they need more help for their quests. They decide to speak to the new adventurers they met the day before. If all works out, they intend to return to Waterdeep in a few days and regroup with these newcomers. Cain asks Mellia to promise that she will not follow through on anything in her letter and she agrees, swearing that as long as he continues to want her, she will never leave him.

When they hear Ralkin enter the mansion, Cain and Mellia dress and head downstairs to speak with him. Ralkin is immediately able to tell by her demeanor that Mellia’s state of mind is much improved. She embraces him and tells him that he is devious, but a good friend and though she recommends he not pick her pocket again, she is grateful that he gave her letter to Cain. They explain the plan to travel to Cormyr and Ralkin is amenable to it. He notes that he has seen no sign of his sister and they discuss trying to scry for her the next morning. Ralkin states that if Shiro isn’t found using sending or scrying that she is either occupied or dead.

Ralkin retires to his room and Cain and Mellia head upstairs to their own suite, where they offer prayers to Kossuth and return to bed to continue their efforts to reassure one another of their mutual devotion.

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