Sunday, December 16, 2018

RealmsToowoomba Recap # 93 [RPG]

[7 Eleasis 1372 continued]

At the Watch gaol, Markus and El Capitan continue to keep watch over Urist, who has taken advantage of the copious amounts of ale Markus purchased to drink herself into a stupor. Across town, at the Font of Knowledge, Ralkin continues his spell research and Mellia completes her day’s scroll writing. Cain’s research on the Aurlites reveals to him some of their favoured spells and the fact that their most highly-esteemed battle clerics are known to wear special icesheath armor.

Below the city, Shiro Bronzefeather has grown impatient with the lack of diversion found in Waterdeep’s sewers. Throwing caution to the wind, she not only becomes visible but begins to whistle so that she can attract some kind of foe. Unfortunately for the normally cautious kenku, this works all too well. Shiro’s sharp eyes fail to spot a cluster of stirges clinging in the nooks and crannies of the ceiling of a tunnel she passes through.  A half dozen of the creatures drop from above and latch onto the unsuspecting adventurer. Though she is momentarily able to detach several of them, they merely reattach themselves, with each sinking a sharp proboscis into Shiro’s skin and gorging on her life’s blood. In mere seconds, the bloodless corpse of the eldest Bronzefeather sibling bobs gently down the sewer channel, while the sated stirges digest their latest meal.

[8 Eleasis 1372]

When Markus and El Capitan rise in the morning they debate what mischief they can get up to for the day. Markus explains to El Capitan that the first stop he must make is at the Font of Knowledge to check on the progress of his hired sage, the tiefling Illighast. El Capitan agrees to join him, though he struggles with pronouncing the tiefling’s name. Markus suggests that when that task is complete, the two of them should visit a brothel, but El Capitan suggests taking one thing at a time.

On their way to the library, they pass through crowded streets and Markus inadvertently jostles a nobleman walking with a large entourage. The incensed man, announcing himself to be Lord Lehayne Demar, loudly proclaims that such an incivility requires a duel to the death.  Demar awkwardly draws an elaborately bejeweled and highly impractical sword. Markus bares his teeth and brandishes his claws, intimidating Demar and his entourage. The nobleman tries to save face by stating that his honour might be further besmirched by dueling such a bestial opponent, and that therefore the duel is postponed until he can consult with an expert on courtly protocol. Markus laughs as the fellow departs but finds El Capitan is despondent the nobleman didn’t seem to notice his presence.

Meanwhile, Cain and Mellia join Ralkin at the forge for another morning’s work. As the cleric and the kenku work on Ralkin’s latest trap, Mellia continues working on her scroll writing. After a time though, she decides to test out her newest spell and conjures a telepathic bond between herself and her husband. When Cain barely responds (and then only verbally) to her mental communication, she decides to tease him, laughingly noting that “it’s a shame no one but me will ever know how flexible you really are.” Cain maintains his composure and returns to his labours, though he finds himself distracted by her continued flirtations. In addition, he notes strange, determined mental flutters across his mind. It is only later, as they walk towards the library and he brings the matter up with his wife, that they realise what has happened: somehow the spell has caught up their unborn twins within its bounds and forged a connection between father and children. Mellia is delighted and insists that Cain think something back at the babies, which he attempts to do. For his part, Ralkin shakes his head as he picks up bits and pieces of the conversation as Cain and Mellia switch between mental and oral communication.

At the Font of Knowledge, Markus sees Illighast diligently working at a table. Not wanting to distract her too much, he suggests that El Capitan go find someone to flirt with. He then heads over and slips behind the sage, startling her when he says her name from right behind her. Irritated, Illighast tells him that she has not yet found the breakthrough she seeks and he should return the next day. For his part, El Capitan has no luck with the human he finds in the library, but then another much more dashing figure catches his eye: another cat-folk, one of few he has seen while traveling. This figure is male and sports full-plate armour and appears to be standing in the section devoted to romance novels. El Capitan approaches and flirtatiously strikes up a conversation. The stranger introduces himself as Janakath, and mentions that he is the author of three romance novels as well as being a paladin of Sune, the goddess of Love. After a few minutes of delightful conversation, Janakath suggests that El Capitan join him at a banquet at the temple that very evening as his special guest. El Capitan eagerly accepts and when Janakath leaves, he checks out one of the paladin’s novels (Depths of Forbidden Desire) from the library for a little light reading.

El Capitan and Markus fill each other on what has transpired, and El Capitan invites Markus to accompany him to the banquet that evening where he will meet his date. They decide they must spend significant time preparing themselves and El Capitan explains the fashion and social benefits of having one’s trousers sewn on. As they walk, Markus finds himself strongly drawn to the beautiful music being played by a half-elf street violinist but shakes off the effect it has on him. Moments later, the duo spot Cain, Mellia and Ralkin walking towards them.

The adventurers exchange news, with Markus updating Mellia on his efforts to help Urist. Mellia again suggests contacting Mortimont, the weapons dealer in Waterdeep. She also lets Markus know that she has some knowledge of the planes. They decide that the next day, when he hopefully has more information from Illighast, that they will regroup and she will perhaps cast a sending to Mortimont to seek help for Urist. Mellia also expresses some envy of Markus and El Capitan for their plans to head out and enjoy the splendors of Waterdeep, something she has not yet had the opportunity to do. Throughout the conversation, she and Cain continue to converse mentally and out loud, causing some confusion among their friends.

Mellia also asks Ralkin if Shiro is knocking around somewhere. Ralkin shrugs and notes that his sister is probably out ‘hunting’. Markus then asks Mellia a question but when Ralkin replies with the answer, he gives the kenku the silent treatment, even when Ralkin repeats the response. Mellia notes that Markus is behaving with very bad manners. Markus retorts that manners are for those who deserve them. When Mellia suggests that they all need to work together, Ralkin says he has no problem doing so. However, Markus says that he gets along with Mellia, and that is sufficient for him. Letting the matter go for now, Mellia is about to remind Markus to meet her there tomorrow when a stranger dressed in filthy rags pushes his way through the crowd towards the party.  Mellia’s careful eye discerns that the rags are really some sort of disguise just as the man points an accusing finger at El Capitan, shouts “I owe you money!” and thrusts a bag full of coins and a small note into the cat-man’s hands!  Before anyone can react, the man disappears into the crowd.

The note, signed by Lord Alfonso DeTorsa, begs the group for assistance and pleads with them to visit the Oven & Shaker that very afternoon to accept a commission worth ten times what is in the current coin purse. The group debates the offer, moving to a quiet alcove in the library to talk. Mellia worries this could be a trap, or something illegal, but El Capitan notes it could also be very rewarding—he estimates the bag contains almost 200 platinum pieces! Markus and El Capitan are all for investigating, but Ralkin bows out and begins his day of spell research. Mellia mentally contacts Cain and puts the question to him: “What do you think, love?” Cain’s reply is that he believes the other two require ‘supervision’. With that, Mellia and Cain agree to join the excursion, following several more hours’ work on scroll-writing.

Having agreed to meet back at the Font of Knowledge in three hours’ time, El Capitan and Markus visit a tailoring shop where they have themselves sewn into extremely tight pants for the evening’s festivities while reading the pages of Janakath’s novel. They also manage to obtain the location of the Oven & Shaker and learn that it is famous for the baking of a unique circular flatbread topped with crushed tomatoes and cheese.

At the library, Mellia finishes work on her first scroll of delayed blast fireball. Meanwhile, Cain uses his new holy water font to scry on Fargrim to see what the dwarf is up to. To his shock and disgust, he sees Fargrim seated at a table preparing to sign what appears to be a formal document. He is backed by several knights and across from him, also preparing to sign, is none other than a high priestess of Auril! Cain immediately becomes enraged, something not missed by his wife when she comes to learn the results of his spell. Mellia knows something is wrong as Cain appears completely withdrawn in silent fury.  As he ignores her questions, she deliberately sits on his lap, forcing him to look at her and pleads with him. “Don’t shut me out.” Her words have no visible impact. 

Markus and El Capitan arrive and can immediately see that Cain appears furious and brooding, and that Mellia looks very upset. When Mellia explains that Cain scryed on Fargrim and saw something that must have enraged him, Markus suggests that this afternoon’s activity will help Cain’s mood by providing him with something to burn. Cain continues to tune out everyone in the room, including his wife when she asks what he intends to do. Markus is incensed that Cain is publicly snubbing Mellia, telling the cleric that he can’t treat his wife like that.   Mellia remains strangely quiet and merely tells Markus that they should go. Markus is angry however, and grabs at the book that the cleric is focused, leading to a tug of war that rips the book in half!  Cain responds by cuffing the swordsman in the ear with his armored gauntlet, leading Markus to lash out with a leg and knock the cleric to the floor.  The heavy thump of his landing shakes the nearby shelves, drawing the reluctant attention of Ralkin who is just on the other side of the bookshelf and has been unwillingly privy to the altercation. Ralkin attempts to resolve the situation by using a spell and his natural mimicry abilities to try to make Markus believe his own thoughts are telling him to leave, but the swordsman’s anger overcomes the deception.

When Cain stands up, retrieves another book, and sits down again, Markus can stand no more. “This is your wife. You made a vow to her and she should be your top priority,” he shouts at Cain.  When Cain still refuses to respond, Markus pulls free of El Capitan’s attempt to hold him back and slaps the cleric across the face, leaving deep bleeding claw marks. Mellia tells Markus to stop, and tells her husband that whatever it was he saw, he is making the choice to shut her out at a time when he needs to trust her and let her in.  Cain regards her impassively but casts a spell to blanket the area with silence. He takes Mellia’s hand and leads her out of the library and into the conjured mansion outside.  Ralkin returns to his research, while Markus and El Capitan follow the couple outside and wait for their return from the magickally-created pocket dimension.

Inside the mansion, Cain and Mellia sit down in the common room and Cain takes a few moments to gather his thoughts before telling his wife that Markus was right: Cain made a vow to her, but he was not the only one. And though she is the most important thing in the world to him, other things are also of great concern to him. Mellia is confused about what other things he is talking about and Cain finally tells her that his best friend, who he travelled and faced many dangers with, appears to have betrayed him. He explains that Fargrim has signed some kind of document with the Aurilites despite knowing how such an action would be perceived by devotees of Kossuth.  Mellia observes that in her opinion, Fargrim has not been the same since killing Grim and says that he lost his original sense of purpose and appears to have replaced it with a belief that he is some kind of world-saviour and great leader. “Whatever oaths and vows he keeps to now have nothing to do with us. He has definitely made himself our enemy by doing this.”  Mellia tells her husband that she understands his anger, but that he cannot shut her out. Cain tells her he just needed time and she tells him that all he needed to do was tellher that. “It is a sad day when Markus needs to tell you how to treat me.” Cain has no response.  Finally, Mellia asks what he intends to do, and he says there is one action he can take immediately. Realizing he means to speak to Fargrim directly she asks if he is sure, as it will confirm to Fargrim that he is being watched. Still, Cain insists that Fargrim has been his friend and he will give him the benefit of the doubt. 

They head outside and Cain begins the process of casting a sending to Fargrim. While he is thus occupied, Mellia speaks to Markus and El Capitan. She thanks Markus for standing up for her and tells him there is no need to apologize to Cain. El Capitan states that he thinks the group has issues and should clear the air. Mellia and Markus do not seem particularly perturbed and Mellia dismisses the situation by stating that her husband has ‘difficulty dealing with his emotions’. She tells Markus that Fargrim may be consorting with the enemy, resulting in the need to explain who Fargrim is to El Capitan. Markus describes him as the ‘second best dwarf I know’ and Mellia explains that he was  a ‘brave warrior and a good friend’. They then change the subject and again discuss the entertainments to be had in Waterdeep and Mellia’s envy that the others are finding a way to enjoy themselves in the city.

Cain’s sending to Fargrim is simple and to the point: What did you sign?  Fargrim’s reply is lengthier: Hello old friend. Just something mutually beneficial. What I do is for the good of all Faerun. I have found my purpose - have you found yours?

Mellia can tell by Cain’s face that the response was not what he was hoping for and Cain confirms it. At her prompting about his intentions for the afternoon, he tells her that he will go where she goes. The group heads towards the Oven & Shaker, though they are shortly down a party member when Markus receives an urgent summons from Illighast who appears to have had a breakthrough in her research. Arriving at the restaurant, they observe the stranger from earlier in the day, much more conventionally attired. He greets the newcomers and they quickly get down to discussing what it is he wants. He tells them that his business has been beset by thieves extorting him for money and that the Watch has refused to help him, despite the legitimacy of his business. He wants the thieves eliminated, though he hastily confirms that he isn’t necessarily suggesting murder when Mellia points out that they are not assassins. The group agrees to help for the promised fee, and he introduces them to a halfling named Tedric who has knowledge of the thieves’ location and who will join them in their excursion.

They arrive at a large warehouse. As they listen, they hear scuttling noises inside and Mellia prepares a fireballspell to attack any vermin that she sees. Tedric unlocks the door and Cain breaks it open using a summonedspiritual weapon. When the door shatters, magical white fog obscures their vision. Tedric tosses in an everburning torch to help guide their vision and sees it bounce off of an unknown object. Mellia is able to dispel the fog and when it clears the group can see a figure in shabby robes standing at the back of the warehouse, with a monstrous scorpion guarding the door. Also visible is a dead human body and a substantial grouping of large crates. Tedric and El Capitan dash inside and begin to attack the scorpion before themselves being attacked by two monstrous spiders that descend from the rafters. Well-illuminated in the doorway, Cain and Mellia are suddenly struck from above by a massive column of fire.  The two respond with fire evocations of their own.  El Capitan launches into a wild, gyrating dance of acrobatic maneuvers and spinning swordplay that leaves the monstrous spiders dead but himself exhausted.  The adventurers retreat out of the warehouse, losing sight of their opponent.  Moments later, a massive lion charges towards the group and clamps its massive jaws on Cain’s leg!  Mellia manages to destroy the creature with another fire spell.  Her suggestion that the group look for another entrance is met with swarms of locusts that envelop the adventurers, biting through their clothing and chinks in their armor.  When a stone wall suddenly manifests, blocking further retreat, Mellia has had enough.  Deciding that the promised reward is not worth further risk, she quickly teleports herself and her allies away from the battle.

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