Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Torchwood Magazine # 8

Here's what Torchwood Magazine had to say for itself in September of 2008:

* An ad for the Torchwood Yearbook, which I was planning to ignore since it's mostly a collection of articles from the magazine--except here I learn it also has five original short stories. Now there's something else I must buy!

* An interview with exec producer Julie Gardner. Not a lot interesting here, other than that she hated the Torchwood SUV and that t.v. type people generally don't like flashbacks as they're considered complicated.

* A cool tour guide to Torchwood locations in Wales. If I ever visited Cardiff, I would totally be one of those dumb tourists standing outside Roald Dahl Plass pretending to stand on the descending pavement slab of the Hub.

* Part Five of Rift War! The crummy artwork continues. Jack and Gwen travel back in time to circa 600 C.E. (Jack can tell by tasting the carbon build-up in the dirt . . . ooookay).

* Part One of a short story by Trevor Baxendale titled Harm's Way. Basically, the team finds an alien egg-type thing and brings it back to the Hub for examination. As these things are wont to do, the egg splits apart to reveal a giant arachnid-monster sort of thing. I make it sound worse than it is, as Trevor Baxendale is actually a pretty good writer.

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