Thursday, June 17, 2010

Blasphemy and Atheists Without Borders

I've been invited to speak about blasphemy at Atheists Without Borders, the 2010 North American conference for Atheists Alliance International. The conference takes place in Montreal in October, and should be a great experience. The Conference's website is here. I've always enjoyed visiting the city and there's a great line-up of speakers on a wide variety of skeptical and freethinker topics--in other words, this will probably be the first academic conference I've attended where I actually want to go to the panels. For my part, it'll be challenging as well--they've given me 45 to 60 minutes to speak, followed by a half hour of questions; I'm used to talking about blasphemy for about 15 minutes while on a panel with a bunch of other people. It'll actually be nice preparation, however, for any job talks I might be asked to give during the Fall law school hiring process.

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