Monday, February 7, 2011

Kickpuncher [Comics]

His punches are as powerful as . . . kicks!

If you don't watch the comedy Community, you should start. It's the funniest new show to come around for a long time, with creative story-telling and a willingness to play with the elements of the genre. In one of my favorite episodes from Season 1, a few of the main characters have started getting together on the weekends to watch bad movies and make fun of them (basically, riffing like Mystery Science Theater 3000). One of the hilarious fictional movies they watch is Kickpuncher, the story of a cyborg law enforcer with a secret power: his punches are as powerful as kicks!

The Season 1 Community DVD set comes with a Kickpuncher mini-comic which purports to be written by Troy, one of the characters on the show. In the comic, the characters from the show are at their usual study group when they're suddenly attacked by snake monsters who kidnap Annie and Britta, two of the group's women members. Troy and Abed rush to the dean's office, where a secret button summons KICKPUNCHER! After a long fight to Cairo, Kickpuncher defeats the snakemen and rescues Annie and Britta, who have fallen in love and proceed to make-out. Hey, it's Troy's comic after all . . .

Good stuff!

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