Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jhaeman's Library # 3

Another fun cover, this one "Dedicated to Unappreciated Podiatrists Everywhere!" The hardest part of every cover for me (since I had absolutely nothing to do with the actual drawing of it) was coming up with a different tagline to go under the logo for every issue.

Issue # 3 of Jhaeman's Library featured reviews of obscure comics The Shroud and Skull & Bones, the usual reprint of one of my old Daily Nebraskan columns, and an original SF short story, "For Sale: Discount Liberty at Bargain Prices." This last bit was my first (and only) attempt to write short fiction for publication, and I received a very nice and (perfectly justified) rejection letter from the magazine I sent it to. The premise of the story is a world where the exercise of every civil liberty--including freedom of speech and more--costs a set amount of credits. Five minutes of conversation with a friend? Twenty credits. A chance to chastise the leader of the government face to face? 500 credits a minute. And so forth. Although I still think an interesting story could be built around the idea, the glib & facile story I came up with--about a computer hacker who embezzles hundreds of thousands of credits just so she can berate the Prime Consul and kick him in the gonads--was probably not it.

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