Monday, November 5, 2018

Starfinder Can Koozie [RPG]

I'm mildly embarrassed to have bought the Starfinder Can Koozie, but as I always say, if you don't buy everything, it's a selection not a collection!  I'm not a fan of the "koozie" concept in general (I like to feel a cold drink against my skin, and if it's getting warm, I know I need to drink faster), but, having tested the product out on a couple of separate occasions, I can testify it does what it's supposed to do.  I will note that, coming from an amateur's perspective, the koozie looks to be of very flimsy material and construction, and I wouldn't be surprised if it it showed wear-and-tear or fell apart
quickly.  Apart from that, you get what you pay for: a black can sleeve with the Starfinder logo in blue on two sides.

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