Thursday, March 21, 2019

Pathfinder Flip-Mat: "Tech Dungeon" [RPG]

A more honest name for Tech Dungeon might have been "Crashed Starship."  One side of the flip-mat shows the upper deck of flying saucer-like spaceship that has crashed into a forest.  The detail here is fantastic, as you can see shattered bits of the hull strewn amongst the trees, various types of damage to the bridge, and even some animal skeletons near what looks like a radioactive power core.  A central spiral staircase (admittedly a bit low-tech for a spaceship) leads onto the second side of the flip-mat.  This is the lower deck that is buried underground.  Apparently the water table is pretty close to the surface at the crash site, as there's a pool of water and several caverns visible.  I like the little touches like the bent corridor walls, the glowing orb underneath where the bridge would be, and the multicolored fungal-growths in the caverns (obviously affected by the strange energies of the ship!).  I would like to see more interesting stuff in the rooms and corridors, as only the bridge has any interesting technology--absent that, this could just be a circular fantasy dungeon.  All in all though, it's a pretty cool flip-mat (though I imagine it'd be much more useful for Starfinder than for Pathfinder).

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