Saturday, July 4, 2009

Clone Wars Campaign: Recap # 21

This is one of my favorite sessions in the entire campaign--it was a one-shot deal, intended as a mostly standalone refresher for the folks who were away for the summer to get back into the spirit of the campaign. Ironically, of course, only two people total showed up to play, but we went ahead with the session and really had a blast. I had the Battle of Hoth Star Wars Miniature set which I used for the Walker, the Skimmer, and the snow-covered plains around the wrecked facility.

This session remains memorable for:

(1) Another in the long line of occasions where hostages, allies, or innocent bystanders get massacred but the PCs come out fine;

(2) Marpa/Daal, in the beginning of a campaign pattern, charges into what looks like certain death with the mystifying Shatner-esque comment "Don't worry. I . . . have a plan."

(3) Seige Commander Korg's exultation at his "defeat" of Tarn Tamarand, who was never even there, before getting his ass royally handed to him by the Princess. But, spoiler alert, Korg's now back and better than ever.

Update (June 19, 2012):  Added in the "secret" information that Daal Mordo was actually Marpa.


Eight months into the Clone Wars, and neither side has gained a distinct advantage. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and the Republic Senate have imposed new security measures, prohibiting civilians from possessing certain types of weapons and restricting use of the Galactic Holonet. Still, the vast majority of citizens continue their lives as usual. On the planet Talus in the Corellian system, a private pleasure yacht bearing the name Knife's Edge lands at Deric Spaceport, takes on several waiting guests, and lifts off toward the famed Voorzies Spectacle in the mid-rim to watch a planet slowly disintegrate as its orbit disintegrates around its sun.

[AG 227]

After hiding out for several months, Marpa, in his new identity as Daal Mordo, has heard rumours that Arresta is being targeted by a professional assassin nicknamed "The Professor" and that she and the assassin will be on the same ship in just a few days.  Daal travels to the planet Talus and, using a falsified invitation, gets himself invited aboard the luxury yacht Knife's Edge.

A light show blooms in the Corellian sector, around the double worlds, Talus and Tralus. Taking advantage of this natural wonder, the luxury yacht Knife’s Edge arrives and takes on passengers for a scenic cruise. Wealthy and enigmatic businessman Stefan Cassadine is throwing a party for the amusement of his new wife. Returning from their honeymoon, he is hoping the party will keep her occupied while he is away on a business trip.

His young bride, Princess Arresta of Mongui, is surprised to learn that a ships’ Yeoman has disobeyed orders and has welcomed several representatives of her estranged father onto the yacht. Stefan disciplines the young man sharply, but Arresta agrees to let the newcomers remain on board. Shortly after her husband departs in his private shuttle, Arresta agrees to meet with them privately. Their mission is to recruit Arresta to return to Mongui to speak on her father’s behalf. It is their hope that she will be able to convince the government to call off his planned execution for acts of treason. The Princess is extremely reluctant, but agrees to consider their request. She is further urged to consider agreeing by her Uncle Ignatius, who is present on the yacht.

At the party, Arresta notices the penetrating stare of a Duros she has never met before. She sends her husband’s top aide, Xam, to request a meeting. The Duros indicates his name is Daal and that he is there to make a business arrangement with Stefan. He claims to be a security expert. Arresta puts him to the test by asking him to complete a review of the situation on Mongui. Daal agrees and speaks with Lt. Jaarza, who indicates that significant bribes would be in the offing if the Duros can convince the Princess to go along with their plan.

Xam and Arresta receive word that a shuttle is requesting clearance to dock. On board is a young human named Ingen Slaru. He is also on a desperate mission to recruit the help of the Princess. Former Siege Commander Korg, the leading droid from the attacks on Mongui, has suffered demotion and humiliation due to his failure to prevent the escape of Princess Arresta, Tarn Tamarand and Marpa Zalon. He has taken hostages at a remote listening post in the Both sector. Since this listening post is strictly unofficial, the Republic cannot seek help from the Bothan government. Korg threatens to kill the hostages if Arresta, Tarn and Marpa do not arrive immediately. During this conversation, Daal listens intently outside the room, in order to overhear everything that was said.

Arresta informs Ingen that Marpa disappeared before the trial on Coruscant and that even if she knew where Tarn was, she would not contact him. Ingen notes that he spotted a Duros while coming on board. He suggests that he himself could pass as Tarn from a distance and that this Duros might be an acceptable Marpa substitute. Arresta agrees to consider this proposition and sets off to find Daal, which she quickly does.

Daal informs the Princess that he overhead the discussion and admits he was not completely honest with her. He claims to be the cousin of Marpa Zalon and indicates that he has a family debt of honour that must be paid to her, since Arresta helped to prove Marpa innocent of the murder charges brought against him. Daal warns the Princess that he has heard a rumour that an assassin known as ‘The Professor’ might be among her guests. Arresta is a bit suspicious – she wonders if Daal might in fact not be Marpa in disguise, but she is willing to go along with the ruse.

Suddenly, Arresta realizes that the door to the conference room is locked and Dioxin gas is being pumped into the room. Daal successfully hacks into the computer to get the vents closed and to get the door open. They realize that Lt. Jaarza, with the help of the traitorous young Yeoman, has taken control of the ship and is trying to take the Princess to Mongui by force. While Daal manipulates the computer, Arresta engages in a running battle with Jaarza’s thugs. She finally makes it to her quarters, where she secures suitable weaponry.

Meanwhile, Daal has found himself suddenly trapped in the ship’s airlock, with a countdown sequence in place. Arresta shoots the door open and she and Daal advance on the ship’s cockpit. Despite Jaarza’s best efforts to shake them loose, they manage to regain control of the ship. Arresta decides to be merciful, and puts Jaarza and his men off, along with the Yeoman and the passengers. She sends a message on her father’s behalf, but is clear in her belief that he has brought his own problems on himself.

While traveling to the Both sector, Arresta and Daal devise a plan. They will travel to the planet’s surface in the ship’s shuttle, along with two bodyguards. They will put down on the frozen wasteland and travel by foot to the remote escape hatch for the listening post. There, they intend to make their way down the tunnel to the facility in the hopes of freeing the hostages and putting an end to Korg’s reign of terror. Ingen is to remain on the ship, with instructions to contact Korg if necessary, and to masquerade as Tarn. While coaching the young clerk in his role (more impetuous, less forethought, suicidal bravery), Arresta remarks on the fact that Daal seems to know Tarn quite well for someone who never met him in person…..

[AG 228]

The planet is bitterly cold when they arrive and they carefully make their way through snowy forests to the escape hatch – but find it guarded by two B2 battle-droids. They attempt to sneak closer, but Daal unfortunately alerts the droids to their presence. After destroying the guards, they explore the tunnel. Realizing that their plan has been compromised, they improvise a new one. Daal will remain in the tunnel, Arresta and the guards will approach the facility from another angle and create a distraction to draw the guards away from the entrance to the tunnel.

Arresta and one her guards make their way onto the roof of the facility. The other creeps around to the far side of the building. From a distance, they began to hear a strange, intermittent rumbling. Arresta speaks with Ingen on the ship and learns that they have lost the transponder signal from the shuttle on the planet. Arresta carefully enters the facility. She hides most of her equipment and proceeds in her shadow suit, armed with only her blaster pistols. The facility is dark and heavily damaged. Coming upon a battle droid from behind, she gets the drop on it and manages to destroy it. To her chagrin she learns that the droid had a hostage strapped to the front of it – who has unfortunately, also been killed.
Arresta manages to hide and to avoid detection by the other droids, each also carrying a hostage. However, the droids are aware that intruders are on the premises. One of the droids makes its way to the roof, where both Arresta’s guard and the hostage are killed in an exchange of blaster fire. With all of this noise to cover his entrance, Daal makes his way into the facility and slowly creeps through, in search of information. He finds the bodies of two dead clone troopers and manages to obtain several weapons – including two ion grenades.

Arresta destroys another droid but this time, manages to save the hostage. She regroups with Daal and the remaining guard and they agree that the hostage should be taken through the escape tunnel to a more secure location. Daal remains, along with the guard, and attempts to repair the facility’s damaged skimmer. Arriving at the other end of the tunnel, Arresta secures the hostage and contacts Ingen. She realizes that the booming noise is the sound of an AT-TE walker (used by the listening post as a transport and satellite repair vehicle), approaching the facility and lobbing shells. She instructs Ingen to bring the ship into atmosphere and to land on the far side of the facility.

The Princess makes her way back through the tunnel, collects her gear and takes to the roof, where she uses the cannon to fire on the Walker. Daal takes the skimmer and, expertly dodging the shells and the direct fire of the Walker, he approaches it at high speed. Using a linked channel, he and Arresta contact Korg and pretend that Tarn has challenged him to single combat on a nearby ice sheet. The droid eagerly agrees.

While Arresta and an increasingly nervous Ingen prepare to face Korg, Daal makes his way to the Walker and sets the skimmer down on top of it. Pretending to surrender, he destroys several B1 battle droids and infiltrates the interior of the Walker. On the ice sheet, Korg prepares to exact revenge on the Jedi. Despite their best attempts to stall him long enough for Daal to enact his plan, Korg launches an attack against Ingen. Killing him with one blow, Korg is exultant at having defeated “Tarn” and shouts that “This was much easier than I thought it would be!”

With no other choice, Arresta determines that she will have to face Korg in battle. The lithe Princess easily avoids the Droid’s best blows and manages to take deadly aim with her matched blaster pistols. Korg is chagrined at facing defeat at the hands of a woman, but manages to salvage some measure of victory for his cause, by using a remote detonator to blow the cargo hold of the walker, killing the hostages. With the great mechanical monstrosity collapsing to the ground in a deadly pile of flame and rubble, Daal must make a dangerous leap to the ground to avoid certain death. On the ice sheet, Korg’s death throws have shattered the ice and he sinks out of sight into the dark water, short circuiting as he vanishes.

Arresta and Daal depart with the sole remaining hostage – relieved at least that Korg can cause no further damage. Arresta receives word that her father has been summarily executed and her sister now has control of Mongui and has banished Arresta (on pain of death) to consolidate her rule. Back in the Both sector, a mysterious female figure pulls Korg's head out of the icy water and ominously comments “Hm. That didn’t work out exactly as I planned”.

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