Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Captain America: Dead Men Running [Comics]

Captain America: Dead Men Running was a 2002 three-issue limited series marked by ugly covers and muddy interior artwork. The story is halfway interesting, as Captain A is parachuted into the jungle to assist a small band of U.S. soldiers escape a drug cartel. Only, it turns, out, (SPOILER!) that the soldiers are just as bad as the cartel! A decent twist, though I think the writer was trying a tad too hard to tell a grim, moody story and ended up coming off as pretentious. The series was clearly meant for a more adult audience, and it's fairly graphic for mainstream Marvel Comics standards (nuns getting shot in the head, etc.). I'm not sure whether it's supposed to be in continuity or not, but it doesn't really matter as the story is completely isolated from anything happening elsewhere in the Marvel Universe.

Also, apparently, Steve Rogers is fluent in Spanish. He also spends most of the second issue unconscious.

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