Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I was a really big fan of the 80s DC series Suicide Squad (a concept I think would make for a great role-playing game), and my favorite part of the book oscillated between the hijinks of Captain Boomerang and the stone cold killer-ness of Deadshot. This assassin-for-hire actually has a history dating back several decades, but it was only in the 80s that he became really popular. His first limited series was quite dark (his son is molested and murdered by a pedophile), while his most recent solo outing is more in the nature of standard comic book fare. After finding out that he has a daughter from a drunken night with a prostitute ('kay, maybe not that standard of fare), Deadshot moves into the kid's crime-ridden neighborhood to put things right by cleaning the place up--of course, the mob and hired super-villains get involved and there's lots of shooting everywhere. It's a pretty good series, though I wouldn't call it great. And I'm still not convinced that the new uniform (above)is better than the old one (below).

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