Sunday, May 31, 2009

Gilgamesh II

First off, I should say that Gilgamesh II is like Leonard Part 6: not that they both star Bill Cosby, but that they're both misleadingly nomenclatured to imply that they are sequels. Gilgamesh II is, instead, a study of two aliens, the last of their kind, sent to earth as infants to reproduce and carry on the species. Unfortunately, a droid messes up and sends two male infants, thus dooming the entire race to eventual extinction. Jim Starlin writes and draws this four-issue series, and imbues it with a wry sense of humor all the way through. It's pretty creative stuff, too. One of the infants grows up to become the ruler of the entire earth (a massive corporation) after a nuclear meltdown, while the other grows up in the jungle and has little knowledge of what's going on elsewhere. When one brother dies, the other goes to extreme lengths to bring him back to life, with a surprising result. Unlike much of Starlin's stuff, Gilgamesh II isn't dense or excessively cosmic/metaphysical--it's written and drawn in a clean, smooth style. I don't think it's been collected or reprinted, but a lot of sites are selling it for a buck an issue and it's worth the cost.

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