Sunday, April 26, 2009

Last Issue Special # 4: Mister Miracle

SERIES: Mister Miracle (v.2)

DATE: 1991

THOSE RESPONSIBLE: Doug Moench (writer); Kevin Dooley (editor)


Perhaps more series had dignified final issues than I remembered, as we have yet another example of a nice wrap-up to an otherwise short run. The theme of this series of Mister Miracle (there's been a few others) was Scott Free's yearning for a "normal life" on Earth; issue # 28 provides a nice conclusion to this theme, as Scott realizes that he and his wife simply aren't meant for such a thing. Instead, Scott decides to return to New Genesis to embrace his heritage (I'll have to check the Wikipedia to see if it took). On the letter's page, Dooley says "this isn't the end of Mister Miracle", citing a planned Jack Kirby's Fourth World book that would include MM. Dooley obviously holds the King in high regards, as demonstrated by these closing words:

"[W]e would like to thank not a god but a King: Jack Kirby, without whose creation and inspiration this and so many other countless books could not have sprung or continue to spring. We may have bent his vision a bit, but it was always with love and tribute. We dwell not in his shadow, but in his light. Thanks, Jack."

1 comment:

Siskoid said...

I like this feature, by the way.