Sunday, October 18, 2009

Autumn Spring

I've often grumbled in the past about the surprisingly crappy movies I've managed to see thanks to Rogers Video Direct, but all is forgiven since they sent me Autumn Spring. It's a Czech movie with English subtitles, but don't let that turn you off--it's an extraordinarily funny and bittersweet story about an elderly would-be prankster/con man (he's not particularly good at either) named Fanda. Fanda refuses to "grow up" and pay attention to all the things people his age are "supposed" to think about: nursing homes, funerals, hospitals, etc. Fanda is quite the character, but after one of his pranks goes awry, Fanda's wife of 44 years threatens to divorce him unless he mends his ways. Fanda tries to give her what she wants: he stops smoking, stops drinking, stops joking around--basically, he stops living and it becomes clear he's miserable. In order to get back the man she fell in love with, Fanda's wife proposes they share a con job for the first time. My description may not do it justice, but this is a great movie that really has something to say about life and getting older.

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