Friday, October 16, 2009

Clone Wars Campaign: Recap # 28

This guest-directed story arc ended with a bang, thanks to the cinematic and very-epic feeling final battle.


Sian, Kasa, and Lee continue deeper into the cavern. Eventually they reach a wide cavern that contains an acidic pool, a catwalk and some equipment, and one of the deadly giant tunnelling snakes. Working together, the three Jedi manage to sneak past the snake and cut a hole in a nearby door. On the other side, several stone sarcophagi and statues lay guarded by what looks to be an animated, dessiccated corpse wielding a lightsaber. After a long and difficult battle, Lee decapitates the guardian and the illusion fades to reveal a dead Rodian wielding a vibroblade.

The trio continues on until they reach an ancient library, full of crumbling scrolls. In an adjoining room, the three Jedi come across a female Zabrak huddled in the corner near a corpse. The Zabrak, sent by Count Dooku to recover a mysterious egg-shaped artifact, sobs under the delusion that she has stabbed her friend to death. In fact, moments after she kills herself, another illusion fades and the "body" of her "friend" is revealed to be another one of the Archons, a mystic order of guardians tasked with keeping the egg away from outsiders. Somehow, however, the Archons are being slowly corrupted by the dark entity contained within the egg and falling under its control.

When the Jedi finally reach the egg-like artifact, they find it guarded by several possessed Archons and under attack by the Separatist delegation, which is attempting to remove the artifact by attaching cables and pulling it up with a stolen ground-boring machine. A long and furious battle breaks out between the Jedi and the Separatists and their battle droids. Sian touches the artifact and is drawn into the center of it, which appears to her eyes like a vast, featureless plain. She encounters the manifestation of a Zabrak named Luni, who was the first to enter the artifact. By combining their spiritual strength, along with that of the recently-arrived Lee, the evil entity appears to be destroyed and the three emerge. Outside, Kasa has used his martial arts ability and mastery of the telekinetic Force to defeat most of the Separatists. When the last of the Separatists are finally defeated, all three of the Jedi are badly hurt and exhausted. The remaining Archons say that the danger presented by the artifact has passed, but little do they know that the entity has hidden itself inside one of the Jedi.

After a trip back to Pentanossus in the ground-borer, the Jedi present Mirmark Karpok with a carefully-edited version of the truth. He thanks the Jedi for their help, but refuses to declare Dramos V's allegiance to either the Republic or the Separatists. With Lumzoz and Sgt. Jett, the three Jedi take a civilian ship towards Coruscant.

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